
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/04 05:30:07


Hey,guys!So glad to see you.As you see my appearance,brown and black crossband fur,exspeacilly my shape tooth.I am the Panthera tigris amoyensis.I live in Shangdong provence now.We are solitary carnivores in the forest.Because we have our own area that is a place for us to prey on,and we will drive out other carnivore animals so as to protect our food.
But now,we are endangered.This is a long story,40years ago, the human race was captured us because they regarded us as the harmful carnivore.And killed us in a large scale.With a a series of killing,our race is reducing rapidly.The most vital is ,of couse, losing our habitat.
I suggest that you should be aware that tigers are lifes too.We live in a same planet and I hope you can respect us.Taking measures to deal with this situation so as to save us in time.I am afraid that it is too late now. We will protect ourselves in our ways,we maybe attack the human.I know you don't want to see this situation.So don't harm and kill us anymore.



South China Tiger, also known as the "Tiger", is the Tiger species endemic to China, living in South-Central China. Identify characteristics: first round, short, thick and strong limbs, the tail is lo...


South China Tiger, also known as the "Tiger", is the Tiger species endemic to China, living in South-Central China. Identify characteristics: first round, short, thick and strong limbs, the tail is long, chest and abdomen miscellaneous more white, whole body covered with orange and black stripes. The subspecies of tiger in smaller (Sumatran tiger minimum). At present almost to extinction in the wild, only parts of the Zoo, breeding base in captivity with less than 100 only.
South of China -tiger is the national-level protected animal. In 1996, the World Conservation Union as critically endangered, one of the top ten species. This is because a large number of people to reap huge profits they are a result of the killing. Now fewer than 100 survived, it is excessive cut down and pollute the air so that they have no place to live, and some their are used to make fur clothing, so we need to make a plan to protect South China tiger, stop killing them, so that they gradually have been restored, saving South China tiger is still a long way !
翻译: 华南虎亦称“中国虎”,是中国特有的虎种,生活在中国中南部。识别特点:头圆,耳短,四肢粗大有力,尾较长,胸腹部杂有较多的乳白色,全身橙黄色并布满黑色横纹。在亚种老虎中体型较小(苏门答腊虎最小)。目前几乎在野外灭绝,仅在各地动物园、繁殖基地里人工饲养着不到100只。
华南虎为国家一级保护动物。1996年被国际自然保护联盟列为极度濒危的十大物种之一。这是因为人们为谋取暴利大量杀害它们而导致的。现在存活的数量不到100只,人们过度砍伐森林和污染空气使它们没有地方生存,有的人甚至将它们的皮毛做成衣服,因此,我们需要计划保护华南虎,停止杀害它们,使它们逐渐得到恢复,拯救华南虎的道路还很漫长 !


有人能帮我写一篇英语作文么?写好了给很多分.大概二百多字的,主要内容我说一下:假设自己是华南虎,自己的外表,住所(就是栖息地),习性,为什么会濒临灭绝,给人类提出建议(就是应当 有没有人能帮我修改一篇英语作文,写人的把邮箱给我,我给你发word, 请问有人能帮我写一篇我的家乡北京的英语介绍么 介绍日本樱花的英语作文有人能帮我想一篇英语英语英语 注意是英语的作文么?主要写日本樱花的,字数要多点儿200个单词就成.复制也行有点儿情节 谢谢了写好了我加分儿 有人能帮我写哈英语作文么?可以的就回复,我给你发 帮我写一篇英语作文《十一假日》 编.80字左右编就好了 帮我写一篇英语作文 英语作文帮我写一篇. 请帮我写一篇英语作文 帮我写一篇英语作文吧 有没有人可以帮我写一篇作文 祝贺某人考上大学的英语作文帮我写一篇写的好给200 我要写一篇西瓜的说明文,能帮我写个开头吗?不要很多的,两三句就好了 请帮我写一篇英语作文,字数为120~150.题目为:Is it reasonable for everyone to learn English?很重要的一篇作文~希望有人能帮我写好.谢谢了! 求一篇《爱的滋味》作文,老师让写这篇作文,谁能给我写一篇很少有人用过的, 帮写一篇英语作文, a good student in my mind有没有人能帮我写一篇以上面为题的英语作文呀,如果有的话在下感激不尽了! 我来自北京 请问有人能帮我写一篇作文关于我的家乡北京吗?