moment词组at the moment眼下 当前for the moment 暂时 目前at this/that moment在此、那时at this moment in time此时此刻just this moment刚刚 方才in a moment立刻 马上for a moment一会儿wait/just a moment稍等一小会儿the la

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/02 08:19:11

moment词组at the moment眼下 当前for the moment 暂时 目前at this/that moment在此、那时at this moment in time此时此刻just this moment刚刚 方才in a moment立刻 马上for a moment一会儿wait/just a moment稍等一小会儿the la
at the moment眼下 当前
for the moment 暂时 目前
at this/that moment在此、那时
at this moment in time此时此刻
just this moment刚刚 方才
in a moment立刻 马上
for a moment一会儿
wait/just a moment稍等一小会儿
the last moment最后一刻
big moment大好时机
choose/pick your moment选择好的时机
1.造句 2.还有什么关于moment的词语

moment词组at the moment眼下 当前for the moment 暂时 目前at this/that moment在此、那时at this moment in time此时此刻just this moment刚刚 方才in a moment立刻 马上for a moment一会儿wait/just a moment稍等一小会儿the la
not (或 never)for a moment决不
at every moment不停地
by the moment 到那个时候
have one's moments作“有快乐的时候”解时,moment要用复数形式.
the moment可作“此刻”解,常与现在时态连用; 也可作“那时”解,常与过去时态连用; 还可作“一…就…”解,此时可用作准连词,引导状语从句.
await the moment 等待时机 devote moment to 把时间都花在… enjoy each moment 每一时刻过得都愉快 have one's moments 走红,得意 save moment 节省时间 seize the moment 抓住时机 take a moment 用〔需要〕一分钟时间 wait a moment 等一会儿 while away a moment 消磨时光
best moment 全盛时期,最好的时光 great moment 伟大的时刻 happy moment 幸福的时刻 historical moment 历史性的时刻 last moment 最后时刻 little moment 不大重要 many moment 大量的时间 no moment 不重要 precious moment 宝贵的时间 propitious moment 有利时机 psychological moment 心理上的适当瞬间,最适当的时机 sad moment 悲惨的时刻 spare moment 空闲时间
rush moment 高峰时刻
at any moment 在任何时候 at that moment 当时,那时 at the moment of 在…的时刻 at the last moment 最后的时刻 for a moment 一会儿 for the moment 一瞬间 from the first moment 从一开始起 in a moment 一会儿 in all moment of 在所有…的时刻 up to the moment 直到目前
moment of danger 危险的时候
He said he would arrive today,and I expect him at any moment.他说他今天到达,所以我想他随时都可能到.
He's never late,but he often arrives at the very last moment.他从不迟到,但他常常在最后一刻赶到.
He caught his train at the last moment.他在最后一刻赶上了火车.
The police arrived right at the moment of the explosion.警察就在爆炸的那个时候赶到了.
Mrs.Li speaks with a precise northern accent at the precise moment.李女士恰恰在那个时候用十足的北方口音讲话.
He's unemployed at the moment and has been for over six months.他目前失业,已经有半年多了.
I'm busy at the moment,but I'll do it later.我此刻很忙,过后我会处理这件事的.
He might have popped in for a moment,since he was passing this way.既然他从这里经过,说不定他会突然来呆一会儿的.
Could I borrow your English dictionary for a moment,please?我能否借一下你的英语词典?
We're happy living in a flat for the moment but we may want to move to a house soon.目前我们住单元房很满意,不过不久也许我们想要住个单门独院的房子.
For the moment we are content to watch and wait.目前我们甘心在一旁观察和等待.
I have nothing to do for the moment.我暂时无事可干.
I don't want to discuss this for the moment.我此刻不想讨论这个话题.
She is helpless for the moment however bright a girl she is.不管她是多么聪明的姑娘,在这时也是没办法的.
God,I have my moments.上帝,我居然也有得意的时候.
My job is not a very glamorous one but it does have its moments.我的工作虽不算十分吸引人,但也自有其乐所在.
It was a dull film on the whole,though it had its moments.总的来说,这是一部乏味的电影,不过其中也有一些精彩的片断.
I'll come in a moment.我一会儿就来.
I really must be getting home in a moment.我真的必须立即回家.
In a moment the house was in flames.屋子一下子就着火了.
“Have you ever thought of that?” “Not for a moment.”“那件事你想到过吗?”“从来没有.”
I never believe what he said for a moment.我一点儿也不相信他说的.
I recognized her the moment I saw her.我一眼就认出了她.
He was taken into custody the moment he stepped off the plane.他一走下飞机就被拘捕了.
The moment she appeared on the stage,there arose a loud applause.她一出现在台上就赢得了热烈的掌声.
I'll let you know all about it the moment he returns.他一回来,我就把其中的一切统统告诉你.