
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/07 14:37:37


世界八大奇迹:The World's Eight Wonders
埃及金字塔:The Pyramids of Egypt
宙斯神像:The Statue of Zeus
法洛斯灯塔:The Pharos light house
巴比伦空中花园:The Hanging Gardens of Babylon
阿耳忒弥斯神庙:The Temple of Artemis (Diana) at Ephesus
罗德港巨人雕像:The Colossus of Rhodes
摩索拉斯(毛索洛斯)墓庙:The Mausoleum at Halicarnassus
万里长城:The Great Wall

Egypt's pyramid, the Babylon city airborne garden, the Egyptian not this moon female temple, Olympia's zeus idol, Harley the K...


Egypt's pyramid, the Babylon city airborne garden, the Egyptian not this moon female temple, Olympia's zeus idol, Harley the Karner Soviet touch the rope Russ mausoleum, on Luo Dedao's Apollo bronze statue and Alexander's lighthouse


World's Eight Wonders
1埃及金字塔 the pyramids of Egypt
2巴比伦空中花园 the Hanging Gardens of Babylon;


World's Eight Wonders
1埃及金字塔 the pyramids of Egypt
2巴比伦空中花园 the Hanging Gardens of Babylon;
3奥林匹亚的宙斯大金像 the statue of Zeus at Olympia(已经找不到了)
4摩索拉斯亡灵 the Mausoleum at Halicarnassus(已经找不到了)
5以弗所的阿耳忒弥斯(狄安娜)神庙 the temple of Artemis (Diana)at Ephesus(同上)
6罗得斯岛的太阳神巨像 the Colossus of Rhodes(同上)
7亚力山大港的索斯特拉塔斯灯塔 the Pharos (lighthouse)of Alexandria(同上)
8长城 the Great Wall


Wonders of the World
Great Pyramid of Giza
Hanging Gardens of Babylon
Statue of Zeus at Olympia
Temple of Artemis at Ephesus
Mausoleum of Maussollos at Halicarnassus


Wonders of the World
Great Pyramid of Giza
Hanging Gardens of Babylon
Statue of Zeus at Olympia
Temple of Artemis at Ephesus
Mausoleum of Maussollos at Halicarnassus
Colossus of Rhodes
Lighthouse of Alexandria
Catacombs of Kom el Shoqafa
Great Wall of China
Porcelain Tower of Nanjing
Hagia Sophia
Leaning Tower of Pisa
Taj Mahal
Cairo Citadel
Ely Cathedral
Cluny Abbey
Grand Canyon
Great Barrier Reef
Harbour of Rio de Janeiro
Mount Everest
Parícutin volcano
Victoria Falls
Belize Barrier Reef
Great Barrier Reef
Deep-Sea Vents
Galápagos Islands
Lake Baikal
Northern Red Sea
SS Great Eastern
Bell Rock Lighthouse
Brooklyn Bridge
London sewerage system
First Transcontinental Railroad
Panama Canal
Hoover Dam


Seven Wonders of the Ancient World:
Great Pyramid of Giza
Hanging Gardens of Babylon
Statue of Zeus at Olympia
Temple of Artemis at Ephesus
Mausoleum of Maussollos at Halicarna...


Seven Wonders of the Ancient World:
Great Pyramid of Giza
Hanging Gardens of Babylon
Statue of Zeus at Olympia
Temple of Artemis at Ephesus
Mausoleum of Maussollos at Halicarnassus
Colossus of Rhodes
Lighthouse of Alexandria
Wonders of the Medieval World:
Catacombs of Kom el Shoqafa
Great Wall of China
Porcelain Tower of Nanjing
Hagia Sophia
Leaning Tower of Pisa
Taj Mahal
Cairo Citadel
Ely Cathedral
Cluny Abbey
Wonders of the modern world:
Channel Tunnel
CN Tower
Empire State Building
Golden Gate Bridge
Itaipu Dam
Delta Works
Panama Canal
Natural Wonders of the World
Grand Canyon
Great Barrier Reef
Harbour of Rio de Janeiro
Mount Everest
Parícutin volcano
Victoria Falls
Wonders of the underwater world:
Belize Barrier Reef
Deep-Sea Vents
Galápagos Islands
Lake Baikal
Northern Red Sea
Wonders of the Industrial World:
SS Great Eastern
Bell Rock Lighthouse
Brooklyn Bridge
London sewerage system
First Transcontinental Railroad
Panama Canal
Hoover Dam
Man-made travel wonders:
Giza pyramid complex
Great Wall of China
Taj Mahal
Machu Picchu
Angkor Wat
Forbidden City
Bagan Temples & Pagodas
Karnak Temple
Natural travel wonders:
Serengeti Migration
Galápagos Islands
Grand Canyon
Iguazu Falls
Amazon Rainforest
Ngorongoro Crater
Great Barrier Reef
Victoria Falls
Bora Bora


Chinese football team~

The World's Eight Wonders
The Pyramids of Egypt
The Statue of Zeus
The Pharos light house
The Hanging Gardens of Babylon

Giza pyramids
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Nile River pyramid group (the great pyramids), ancient Egypt is the construction of the tomb of Wang himself. It is said that the size of the pyramids in ...


Giza pyramids
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Nile River pyramid group (the great pyramids), ancient Egypt is the construction of the tomb of Wang himself. It is said that the size of the pyramids in Egypt a total of nearly 100, most of all construction in the third to the sixth dynasty of Egypt. Some 4,000 years of history of the pyramid are mainly distributed in the capital of the West Bank and the Nile. Jizha pyramid, the left-of Kafra, the right of the husband Wang, linked to a nearby Sphinx. Limestone is the main building materials, some flowers Okazaki rock. Three largest and best-preserved by the Fourth Dynasty pyramid of Khufu three emperor (Khufu), Khafre (Khafra) and the doors Kawu La (Menkaura) in 2600 BC - BC built in 2500. Khufu Pyramid high 146.6 m, bottom edge of 230.35 m; Khafre pyramid high 143.5 m, bottom edge of 215.25 m; door Kawu La pyramid high 66.4 m, bottom edge of 108.04 m.
In this three Great Pyramid of Khufu is the largest pyramid, it is almost a solid body of the boulder, with over 200 10000 boulder rises. Droves of people will these big stones along the ground slopes up haulage, and then in the pyramid around a scaffold to the way layers spelled. Some of the pyramid next to the royal family and nobles and a small rectangular desktop pyramid tomb.
The first pyramid in the outer blanket of gray polished limestone blocks almost all disappeared. Now that is below the yellow lime large stones, revealing its internal structure. Pyramid Centre tomb, from Yongdao into the tomb layered on top Jiazhuo a few tens of tons of large stones.
The pyramid was built by the grave. Ancient Egyptians believed that eternal life after death, the tomb of the pyramid at first full of gold and all kinds of valuables.
Construction time: about 2700-2500 BC,
Construction sites: the Giza near Cairo, Egypt and other places
Legend has it, the Third Dynasty of ancient Egypt, both royalty and ordinary people after death or the Minister, have been buried by a mud brick built into the rectangular tomb, the ancient Egyptians called "Masitaba." Later, a smart young people Yimu He Tepper, the Egyptian pharaoh to the design of the left-Cypriot graves, the invention of a new construction methods. He was under-used stones instead of a square mud brick, and continue to modify the design of the construction of the tomb and eventually built a six trapezoidal pyramid - this is what we now see the embryonic form of the pyramid. In ancient Egypt, as a result of the hierarchical pyramid is the ladder, known as the level of the pyramid. This is a tall cone angle of the building, a square base, each side of the triangle, look like the Chinese character "of the word" Therefore, the Chinese people to write it as "pyramid" (the original is the pyramid). Yimu He Tepper design of the tower is the tomb of Egyptian history, the first stone tomb.
Egypt 80 existing pyramid, the largest of which is in a pyramid around 2600 BC Jizha built the pyramids, are all built by the artificial. How the ancient Egyptians carved Hom Shek and the tomb piled » Channel and the Mausoleum of the tomb room just like the layout of the maze, is what the ancient Egyptians built the way it » Is still divergent, no study clearly.
2. Statue of Zeus at Olympia
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Zeus (Zeus) for the Greek god of gods, an idol is the world's largest indoor sculpture, the Zeus of the Temple is the birthplace of the Olympic Games, part of the Olympic Games projects in this once held.
Construction time: about 457 years BC
Construction sites: the west coast of Greece Olympia (Olympia) in the city.
Pantheon in the construction began in 470 BC, before the completion of the last 456 years, designed by the architect Libon, Zeus statues carved by the sculptor Pheidias.
Zeus (Zeus) shrine to the surface covered with plaster into the limestone, marble Dianding use of the construction, from 34 up to 17 meters-Collins (Corinthian) pillar Chengqi, the Shrine of the area is 107.75 meters by 41.1 meters, Zeus Temple is a multi-Lisburn-building, the whole idol and he wore the robes are made of gold, wearing his olive knit ring, holding his right hand made of gold and ivory from the victory of the goddess like, holding a left-handed Inlaid with flashing bright metal baton, above a stay of the Yi Zhiying, and the throne of his seat while the Sphinx, the goddess of victory and the myth of decorative figures, not including the throne, only statues on the equivalent of a modern four-storey Buildings, sitting on the throne of Zeus head almost顶着Shrine top. Olympia at the shrine in the Year by the fire destroyed five years. Although the result of Zeus statues were taken to Constantinople and survived, but ultimately can not escape the misfortune, in the year 462 fires were burning
3. Juxiang Rhode Island
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Greece is the Rhode Island Juxiang Seven Wonders of the most mysterious one, this Juxiang built in the city Rhodes (Rhodes) into the sea at the port. It is the Greek sun god Helios (Helios) as the bronze casting, about 33 meters high. Because it is only in a short span of 56 years will be destroyed in 226 BC of an earthquake, archaeologists and even its exact location and appearance are not sure.
Construction time: 282 BC to be completed
Construction sites: the Aegean Sea, Greece Rhodes Hong Kong
Rhode Island in Greece Juxiang Rhode Island (Island of Rhodes) to the Mediterranean Sea (Mediterranean Sea) port. BC of Rhode Island is an important business center, located in the Aegean Sea and the Mediterranean at the junction, Rhodes Hong Kong was built in 408 BC. The history of Rhode Island was once ruled many spheres of influence, including Mao SOLAS (his grave is one of the Seven Wonders) and Alexander the Great. But after Alexander the Great Guitian, and the entire island into a long war. Macedonia (Macedonia) led invaders Dmitry 40,000 troops (which has over the entire island's population) around the port. After an arduous war, Rhode Island who defeated the aggressors. To celebrate this victory, they decided to use enemy weapons abandoned in the construction of a bronze statue. Construction of the statue 12 years, about 33 meters high, and the New York almost a high degree of freedom statues. The statue is hollow inside with the complexity of the pillars of stone and iron reinforcement. But this great statue completed only 50 more after the strong earthquake destroyed. Legends of the statue legs separated from the port embarkation from the legs just past the middle, very spectacular and interesting. This is in fact the Greeks Juxiang the sun god Helios and their patron saint (Helios), designed by the architect Chares, after 12 years of construction, Rhode Island Juxiang to be completed in 282 BC, the whole Juxiang A total of 33 m high, built of marble, and then wrapped with bronze, after being used as a lighthouse. But in 226 BC, the great earthquake却把这幢Juxiang overthrown, fragile knees as the Achilles heel of the Juxiang, Juxiang from Hong Kong fell to the Mandraki near the shore. AD 654, Rhode Island was the Arabs invasion, the invaders more remains to Syria, to make the wonders of the study more difficult.
4. Sky gardens of Babylon
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With the Rhode Island Juxiang, archaeologists have so far failed to find the remains of sky gardens.
Construction time: about 6 century BC
Location: Babylon, the Euphrates river (Euphrates) Hedong, south of this Iraqi capital of Baghdad, around 50
The sky gardens of Babylon certainly not hoisted in the air, the origin of the name, because the original Greek people "kremastos" and English "pensilis", (in addition to "hoisting" of and "conspicuous" means) translation errors "Vacant" due.
Air Garden is generally believed that Wang by Nebuchadnezzar (BC 604 - BC 562) in order to comfort the Princess of homesickness as disabled by the United States Disi (Amyitis), modelled on the home of Princess in the mountains and built. It is said that it is to their rotation from the slave mechanical devices, below the Euphrates River, pumping vast amounts of water to irrigate the gardens of flowers and the air.
Sky gardens of Babylon most amazing is that the local water supply system. Because little rain Babylon, and the sky gardens are far away from the site of the Euphrates River, the historical researcher sky gardens that have many water equipment. Slaves kept a gear to promote links between the handle, the highest level of groundwater transported to the storage pond, and then returned to the ground by the artificial river. Another problem is the maintenance, because the buildings in general, can not long withstand the erosion of the river without collapsing. As Mesopotamia Plain (Mesopotamian plain) not too many stones, the researchers believe that the sky gardens of the bricks used by the extraordinary, they were joined by Reed, asphalt and rubble and more literature that: - Block was added a layer of lead, to prevent the infiltration of ground water.
5. Artemision Smith Shrine
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Artemis Greek Αρτεμιδ, Latin Artemis), is the Greek myth of the moon god, goddess of hunting, the sun god Apollo's sister, and Roman mythology she says Diana (Diana), she said by the Egyptians West Sri Lanka (Isis), the Arabs said she Lat. In the ancient Greek goddess Artemis deeply admire, built one of the Seven Wonders of the Artemis Temple.
Construction time: about 550 years BC
Construction sites: the ancient city of Ephesus Greece (Ephesus), about the current Turkey's Izmir (Smyrna), 50 km south
Parthenon marble building to the basis of the above covered with a wooden roof. The building is the architect of Chersiphron and his son, it is the greatest characteristics within two rows, at least 106 columns, each about 12 to 18 meters high. Temple of the base is about 60 x 120 meters.
[font style = "FONT-SIZE: 18px"] destroyed in 356 BC in the fire, in-situ after the temple was built in 262 AD to Li fire difficult. Artemision Mies Shrine have experienced seven reconstruction, the first Artemis Temple in 550 BC by the architect Samos, Chersihon and his son metagenes design, with Ionian column (Ionian) marble columns support, Is the first fully completed at that time the largest marble buildings. The whole building by heidias, Polycleitus, Kresilas Phradmon, and other famous artists at the time of copper, silver, gold and ivory relief decoration, in the central "U"-shaped altar placed in the statue of the goddess Artemis, for the people Worship. Later in the year 356 BC, the Temple was destroyed by the fire and aggression, the subsequent reconstruction, marble columns to the length of 21.7 meters, and more than 13 ladder on the side. Finally, because of Ephesus who converted to Christianity, the Temple in AD 401, was St.John Chrysostom destroyed. [/ font]
6. Wangmu Temple Mount by the Durres
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It is said that Hali Ka Na Susi gross SOLAS tomb temple about 45 meters high, the upper part of a stepped base of the pyramid-shaped, Forecariah Mosuolasi King of the Kingdom stands at the top of the statue possible. The third century AD tomb destroyed in a quake.
Construction time: about 353 years BC
The construction site: It is now the southwestern region of Turkey
The great white marble mausoleum for Mosuolasi and his wife built. The whole building by two Greek designers, outside the decorative carving patterns in the singular. Parents, Anne and build on the reputation Yuanbo, 15 AD destroyed in the earthquake in the early 1900s. Now the British Museum in London also a collection point the remaining sculpture.
Mao SOLAS Halikana tomb of the temple in Sri Lanka, at the bottom of the rectangular building, the area is 40 meters by 30 meters, 45 meters high, high wall at Pier 20 meters, 12 meters-high, seven meters high pyramid, the top Department of carriages three meters high statue. Pier building was surrounded on the wall, next to a decorative stone statue, the statue is at the top of the four ancient horse pulling a pair of combat vehicles. Cimu the famous temple of the addition to its construction, there are those sculptures. Mao SOLAS tomb sculpture from the Temple of four well-known sculptor Bryaxis, Leochares, Scopas, and Timotheus manufacture, each responsible for the Tomb of the temple of one side.
Halikana in the early 15th century occupation of Sri Lanka, the new rulers in order to build a huge castle, in 1494 to Mao SOLAS tomb stones for the temple of some construction materials. Today, many of the sculptures are still survivors, both in the British Museum in London. Since the beginning of the 19th century, Mao SOLAS Tomb of the temple have been carried out archaeological excavation, which provide many of the excavation of some hair SOLAS tomb of the temple, we SOLAS tomb of Mao's shape and appearance of the temple have more understanding of .
7. Lighthouse of Alexandria
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Compliance with Alexander the Great (Macedonian king) of the order, the City of Alexandria Ross lighthouse, built in 300 BC in an artificial island, at least 122 meters high, with flashing white limestone or marble completed.
Construction time: about 300 years BC
Construction sites: in Egypt (Egypt) of Alexandria (Alexandria) in the vicinity of Ross Island (island of Pharos) on.
In Alexander the Great (Alexander the Great) shortly after the death of his one of his Ptolemy (Ptolemy Soter) will dominate Egypt, and Capital in Alexandria, in view of Alexandria port near the sea very dangerous, Ptolemy Soter will be ordered by the architect Sostratus and the Alexandria Library (Alexandria Library / Mouseion) cooperation in the construction of Lighthouse of Alexandria, the lighthouse was completed in 290 BC.
When the Lighthouse of Alexandria following the completion of its high degree of well-deserved at the time it became the world's highest buildings. He is the architect of the architects of Greece Sotheby investigation Tucci. An Arab home in his travel notes of such records: "Lighthouse is built on three floors above the level in the top of it during the day with a mirror reflect