
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/02 12:38:59


Many students regard the college entrance exam as the most important affair in their lives, i do think students should study hard to get good marks, however, they don't have to shoulder so much pressure, the result of college entrance exam is not the only thing that can be decisive for their lives. Firstly, i think students have a good state of mind, a good state of mind can help students do better in the exam.secondly ,the college extrance exam may be a turning point in a person's life, however, it can decide a person's whole life, it can offer a good opportunity to students, but their further development depends more their own ability rather than the diploma.a famous person called Bill Gates, he dropped out of college on the half way, but he became the most powerful and wealthy man in software industry his story tells us that going to college is not the only choice for success

文章内容要求如下:对于高考一考定终身的看法和建议1,其实考试很平静2,看你以后干什么3,只是个转折点四级水平,求用词稍微考究一点,不要太粗糙. 《童年》,结合文章内容,说说我为什么觉得外祖母是自己终身的朋友? 高考语文作文的要求 有关四季的文章内容要求:有四季联想延伸到实际 终身难忘的终身是什么意思 高考地理对于四至点要求高吗,需要背下来具体的经纬度嘛,还是比如只要知道最北是漠河,最南是曾母暗沙如题 高中背大学四级的单词有没有用?我看了下高中的单词书,基本上都是按开头字母排列的,要么就是没录音的…… 可是大学四六级的单词书很合我意,那我背四级的单词对于高考要求词汇提高有 外企对于英语的要求? Replace Pioneer文档分割,文档内容如下:《1》文章内容 《2》文章内容 《3》文章内容.分成3份分割的标志为每个《》,分成3份,文档为txt格式,分成的每份文档以《1》、《2》和《3》命名 一篇介绍鬼妈妈的英语文章!文章一定要简单,简短一些.文章内容包括:这是哪国的电影,主要内容,这是一部怎样的片子,你认为它适合哪个年龄段的人看.要求是有点多了, 泊船瓜洲的文章内容, 宋庆龄写的文章内容 《童趣》的文章内容 将进酒的文章内容 诗经?卫风?的文章内容? 《父亲的斧头》文章内容 要求文章,题,文章内容不要描述景观的,最好是写事的! 《收费时代》的文章内容第四期《科幻世界》上的文章要求内容完整 无缺