
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/06/27 14:10:23


Specialized is engaged in the work of dogs,grazing we call "shepherd".
"Shepherd" is given a full-time herding dogs,not a single species,"family",DingXingWang dogs,including "the Scottish collie","the shetland sheepdog","the border collie",etc.Millions of years in the past,shepherd is responsible for shepherds and animal husbandry and breed.Is responsible for security,avoid in farm cattle,sheep,horses etc escape or lost,also protect livestock from bear or Wolf,but also greatly to eliminate the theft behavior.It is only as the watchers,and also to cattle sheep and oxen will be responsible to market transactions,is rare,farmers are also necessary good assistant.With the development of history,shepherd gradually by all the royal that the upper-class and ordinary citizens are gradually put it as to enjoy the dog keepers.

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