下列句子中各有一处错误,请将其改正过来.1.Are you in class two?2.Are these your trousers?Yes,these are.3.There are something under the car.4.Are you going to swim?Yes,I'm.5.There isn't some bread.我来回答

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/02 08:47:08

下列句子中各有一处错误,请将其改正过来.1.Are you in class two?2.Are these your trousers?Yes,these are.3.There are something under the car.4.Are you going to swim?Yes,I'm.5.There isn't some bread.我来回答
1.Are you in class two?
2.Are these your trousers?Yes,these are.
3.There are something under the car.
4.Are you going to swim?Yes,I'm.
5.There isn't some bread.

下列句子中各有一处错误,请将其改正过来.1.Are you in class two?2.Are these your trousers?Yes,these are.3.There are something under the car.4.Are you going to swim?Yes,I'm.5.There isn't some bread.我来回答
1:应该是 Class Two
2:回答应为:Yes,they are.而不能用these
3:something 为不定代词 像anything nothing someone等等的不定代词谓语动词都要用单数,所以此处的There are 应改为 There is
4:Yes,I am.
5:一般在否定句和疑问句里 some得改成any 所以这个句子应该为There isn't any bread.


1.Are you in Class Two?(不确定是否是大小写问题,不过实在找不到别的问题了)
2.Are these your trousers?Yes,they are.
3.There is something under the car.
4.问题很奇怪,be going to do 句型一般不这么用呀。
常见的有:I'm going to Hong...


1.Are you in Class Two?(不确定是否是大小写问题,不过实在找不到别的问题了)
2.Are these your trousers?Yes,they are.
3.There is something under the car.
4.问题很奇怪,be going to do 句型一般不这么用呀。
常见的有:I'm going to Hongkong.
What are you going to do.
5.There isn't any break.
一般来说some用于肯定句和婉转请求(如Would you like some break?)


these are为they are
,I'm.为I am
some 为any

2.Yes,they are.
4.Yes,I am.

1.Are you in Class two?
2.Are these your trousers?Yes, they are.
3.There is something under the car.
4.Are you going to swim?Yes, I'm going to swim.
5.There isn't any bread.

2.these are -they are
4.I am-I will

1.Are you in Class Two? 注意大小写
2.Are these your trousers?Yes, they are. 注意there be 的回答
3.There is something under the car. 注意something等不定代词的使用
4.Are you going to swim? Yes, I am 注意回答
5.There isn't any bread. 注意some , any 的用法

请把下列句子出现的错误改正过来, 把下列句子错误的改正过来 下列说法是否正确?请将错误改正过来.1.两数相减,差一定小于被减数. 下列句子中各有一处错误,请将其改正过来.1.The sun shinning.We are playing football.2.I want eat a hamburger.3.We're going to having a picnic at the weekend.4.It's going to cloudy tomorrow.5.Last Sunday,the ducks at all the sandwich. 下列句子中各有一处错误,请将其改正过来.1.Are you in class two?2.Are these your trousers?Yes,these are.3.There are something under the car.4.Are you going to swim?Yes,I'm.5.There isn't some bread.我来回答 下列句子中各有一处错误,请将其改正过来.1.Do he do homework on weekends?2.School start at 8:00 ever day 3.I usually go to around at 10:00 4.Please write and tell me for your study 5.They do their homeworks in the evening 将下列句子中用错的字改正过来. 从下列句子中选出没有语病的意向并将错误的句子改正过来 通过学习,是我提高了政治觉悟急 判断下列句子是否正确,错误的请改正. (下列句子中均有一处错误,请找出并改正) 改正下列句子中的错误 改正下列句子中的错误 句子中有错误,请把它改正过来Plug the recorder on first. 如果两个数的绝对值相等,那么两个数相等请将错误的改正过来 有理数的绝对值一定比0大是否确定,请将错误的改正过来. 这三个句子中各有一处错误,请找出来改正 根据汉语提示完成下列句子,请把我错的题,改正过来,谢谢! 找出下列句子中的错误并改正