
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/04 03:57:37


Today you can see with your own eyes that means you are still alive and well .
In the past we have been through "thick and thin" and even the so called " end of the world ".I don't see any other difficulty or setback will stop us now.
So ,
1.Together we should do more of the things we always wanted while we still live ,don't wait till the very end and be regretted .
2.Waste no time and treasure what we have now as to " talk less and do more ".
3.Set a suitable goal for our future and working together towards it .
Remember ,no one can dominate your life only if you give up on yourself,and the end of you won't come easy only if you give up to pursue .

Your eyes are opened today, it means that you are still alive.
If we had already managed to survive through "the end of the world", what can't we survive?
1. Do as much as you w...


Your eyes are opened today, it means that you are still alive.
If we had already managed to survive through "the end of the world", what can't we survive?
1. Do as much as you wish while you are still alive
Do not wait until the end and regret what you didn't do and should've done.
2. Cherish what you have, do not waste any time and be a man of his work.
3. Give yourself a targeted future, and walk towards it.
No one can rule your world if you stay true to yourself.
Your end won't come easily if you never give up chasing.


Could you open your eyes today to delare that you are still alive.
If We could break through the end of the world, what difficulties and failures could possibly stand in our way?


Could you open your eyes today to delare that you are still alive.
If We could break through the end of the world, what difficulties and failures could possibly stand in our way?
1. While we are still alive, we should do more things, which we love to do. Do not wait untill the very end of our living to regret about our already faded life.
2. Cherish all the things we have got. Don't waste of time. Let us stop the talk-a-talk but Walk-a-walk.
3. Set a suitable target for our future and put all of our efforts into achieving it!

Only if you don't abandon yourself, then nobody can control your world.
Only if you don't give up on pursuing, then the end of your life would not be here so soon.



英语翻译你能在今天睁开眼睛,说明你还活着.既然我们都闯过了“世界末日”这个坎,还有什么困难或者挫折过不去呢?所以1.乘我们还活着,我们要多做一些自己想做的事情.不要等到生命即将 英语翻译RT~还有一句哈,只要你还活着就能再次拥有一起 we 换成 you 为什么说生命架在锅上成本就高? 请详细说明寓意!鱼说:我时时刻刻睁开眼睛,就是为了能让你永远在我眼中!水说:我时时刻刻流淌不息,就是为了能永远把你拥抱!锅说:都他妈快熟了,还这 英语翻译我好想每天醒来都能看到你的笑脸然而我每天睁开眼睛却只能看到空气 英语翻译我好想每天醒来都能看到你的笑脸然而我每天睁开眼睛却只能看到空气 你知不知道你为什么“还活着”? 你用什么证明你还活着? 臧克家在有的人一诗中说:“有的人活着,他已经死了;有的人死了人,他还活着.”你还能举出一个事例么? 臧克家在有的人一诗中说:“有的人活着,他已经死了;有的人死了人,他还活着.”你还能举出一个事例么? 今天有人问我,我说累,他说,那就对了,累、说明你还活着 对个搞笑点的 今天有人问我,今天有人问我,我说累,他说,那就对了,累、说明你还活着对个搞笑点的今天有人问我,我说 ,他说,那就对了, 英语翻译英文翻译 全文人的生活方式有两种,第一种方式是像草一样活着,你尽管活着,每年还在成长,但是你毕竟是一棵草,你吸收雨露阳光,但是长不大。人们可以踩过你,但是人们不 这个世界公平吗?不公平你还能快乐地活着?什么信念支持你? 嗨 … 冒个泡证明你还活着 你之所以还活着是为了什么? 英语翻译当我睁开眼睛的时候我希望都能见到你..自己翻的是“I wish to see you when I open my eyes”求正解,.. 如果昨天的成绩让你很骄傲,那说明你今天还做得不够好.是外国图书馆标语.麻烦英语翻译一下. 亲爱的 再过几年 我还能再见到和今天一样的你吗 这句话的英语翻译 英语翻译一群伟大的科学家死后在天堂里玩藏猫猫,轮到爱因斯坦抓人,他数到100睁开眼睛,看到所有人都藏起来了,只有牛顿还站在那里.爱因斯坦走过去说:牛顿,我抓住你了. 牛顿:不,你没