请英语高手来帮我找找这篇英文文章的语法的错谢谢!Later in the afternoon the boys put up there tent in the middle of the forest.A s soon as this was done they are all fell headache and want to sleep.So they creep into their tent a

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/02 06:48:56

请英语高手来帮我找找这篇英文文章的语法的错谢谢!Later in the afternoon the boys put up there tent in the middle of the forest.A s soon as this was done they are all fell headache and want to sleep.So they creep into their tent a
Later in the afternoon the boys put up there tent in the middle of the forest.A s soon as this was done they are all fell headache and want to sleep.So they creep into their tent a shortly afterwards they are all slept soundly.In the middle of the night one of them woke up and heard the monster’s call he was very afraid he call at his friends woke up and rush out of the tent and climb up the trees.When the monster’s call was moving away ,they jumped down from the trees.Suddenly the monster’s call was moving quickly and near here of them .At that time they all say:“Oh my god!” They were told that the monster is injured in the call issued by the monkeys.It was a false alarm.

请英语高手来帮我找找这篇英文文章的语法的错谢谢!Later in the afternoon the boys put up there tent in the middle of the forest.A s soon as this was done they are all fell headache and want to sleep.So they creep into their tent a
Later in the afternoon the boys put up their tent in the middle of the forest.As soon as it's done they all had headache and wanted to sleep.So they crept into their tent a shortly afterwards they are all slept soundly.In the middle of the night one of them woke up and heard the monster’s call.He was very scared,so he called his friends woke up and rushed out of the tent and climbed up in the trees.When the monster’s roar was fading away ,they jumped down from the trees.Suddenly the monster’s roar was moving back quickly and became closer to them .At that time they all said:“Oh my god!” Later,they were told that the monster had got injured by the roar uttered by the monkeys.It was a false alarm.

请英语高手来帮我找找这篇英文文章的语法的错谢谢!Later in the afternoon the boys put up there tent in the middle of the forest.A s soon as this was done they are all fell headache and want to sleep.So they creep into their tent a 关于花的英语文章请帮我找找关于鲜花的英语文章.谢, 季羡林描写雨的文章请帮我找找,急用 请英文高手帮我写篇150字的英文文章——中美文化差异 请高手帮我找找高一英语的阅读理解训练题,越多越好.如果有网址就更好了, 希望有英语高手来帮我纠正一片英文的翻译文章在我的空间里,点击链接就可以看到了.翻得不是很好,希望大家给找找问题.还有就是第一段中有一句“We may divide the whole struggle of the human face int 求首歌..开头是哒呤哒呤哒呤哒哒哒的..英文还是中文的.希望有高手能帮我找找. 【宋词】各位高手请你们帮我找找比较短的宋词,10首! 求i will always love you音译歌词我不会英文,但是想学这首歌,所以请各位高手帮我找找这首歌的音译 歌词 儿童文学上有一篇叫做:寻找独角兽的文章,请大家帮我找找. 急求一位大学英语老师或英语高手,帮我改作文!文章就不写出来了,哪位能帮我修改一下作文,主要也是最重要的是语法,请留下email,我发过去.好人请尽快回复, 帮我找找用牛奶扑灭大火的英语文章明天中午前一定要 请英语高手帮我把“献给我初恋的女孩”翻译成英文. 有人能帮我把周杰伦的《七里香》翻译成英文吗?来个英语高手! 英语高手来帮我翻译成英文.,“从此以后离开我的视线.越远越好!”这局,哪位高手帮个忙. 我的英语从小学就没有学好,主要原因是自己的语法很多都不会,现在英语成绩那么差,所以我想用网络资源来帮助我,我什么主语的,宾语的都搞不懂,请你们帮我找找方法!我会努力学的! 英语里边关于动词和八种时态的语法麻烦大家帮我找找,特别是V.-ing这里, 有没有高手帮我搞2-3篇关于文艺复兴的文章,要英文的,