
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/02 09:30:42


You did well in the quiz,didn't you?
None of you have finished this program,have you?
How fast he was in the 100-metre race!
Sunday night is time for him to do his homework.
I find that London is the most interesting city.

1.You test do well, yeah?
2.None of you have finished this project, right?
3.The 100 metres he how fast!
4.Sunday is the night he doing homework time
5.London is I found the most interesting city

1.you are doing well down on the test,aren't you?
2.none of you finished this project ,didn't you?
3.how fast does he run in the 100-meter race !
4.it's time to do his homework on Sunday evening。
5.london is the most interesting country that i found。


1. You did very well in the test, didn't you?
2. None of you have completed this project, right?
3. How fast he ran in the 100m race!
4. Sunday night is the time for him to do his homework.
5. I found London to be the most interesting city.

you did a good job on test, didn't you?
none of you have finished this program, right?
how fast he ran in the 100-meter race!
Sunday evening is his home work time.
I found that London is the most interesting city

英语翻译1.你在测验中做得很好,是么?2.你们中没有人已经完成这个项目,3.100米赛跑他跑得多快啊!4.星期天的晚上是他做作业的时间5.London是我发现的最有意思的城市 用英语翻译:比尔在比赛中做得很好 你做得很好英语翻译怎么写 英语翻译放松心态,你一定可以做得很好. 让我们做得很好英语翻译 作文 《你做得很好》2偏范文 做数学题速度与质量的提高我今年上初一,平时在练习上做题都做得很好,很少有错误,可是一到小测验或者是考试,不是一些小题马虎就是大题没做完,尤其是测验时,题都会,但是做起来要花大量 “你做得很好”用粤语怎么说? 某次数学测验共16道选择题,计分办法是:答对一题给6分,答错一题扣2分,不答不给分,在这次测验中,小强得60分则小强至少答对多少道题 你可以在数学上做得很好”用英语怎么说? 某次测验25道选择题,每题答对得4分,答错扣2分,不答不得分.小明在这次测验中答对的最好有过程. 英语翻译翻译:1.不要在街上玩,那很危险.2.他们在操场上踢足球,踢得很好.3.你不能在公园里爬树,为什么?4.你能帮我做家庭作业吗?不,不行.5.你能把你的CD带到这儿来吗?好的.6.禁止在教室内吸 在一次数学测验中,共有20道题,做对一道得五分,做错或不做扣八分.小明的了61分.他做对了几题? 英语翻译我现在过的很好.请问你是做什么工作的呢? 你翻译得很好 一次测验中共有20道题目,规定答对得5分,答错或不答均得负2分,某同学在这次测验中共得79分,则该答生答对——题 英语翻译1:你滚远点.2:你字写得真好看.3:别拿我开玩笑 4:这样做很好玩是不是?5:我不想回答你的问题.6:算了,不说了.就这几个日常的口语. 数学的平均分为87分,在一次测验中有人得80分低出平均分7分用负数记做什么?