请英语高手帮我解答难题单选并说明理由且翻译这句话He found Irene____at the piano with her hands on the keys( A.seating B.seated C.seat D.to seat)

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/02 13:10:41

请英语高手帮我解答难题单选并说明理由且翻译这句话He found Irene____at the piano with her hands on the keys( A.seating B.seated C.seat D.to seat)
He found Irene____at the piano with her hands on the keys( A.seating B.seated C.seat D.to seat)

请英语高手帮我解答难题单选并说明理由且翻译这句话He found Irene____at the piano with her hands on the keys( A.seating B.seated C.seat D.to seat)
seating.首先 Irene坐在那里,要用主动形式,所以seated不对.
find somebody doing 是发现某人在做什么的意思.


请英语高手帮我解答难题单选并说明理由且翻译这句话He found Irene____at the piano with her hands on the keys( A.seating B.seated C.seat D.to seat) 请高手解答20小题并说明理由谢谢 请教英语大神帮我解答124568这6道题正确答案并说明理由, “不卑不亢”翻译成英语应该怎么翻译?遇到难题了~~请高手解答! She _____ _____ (watch) TV at eight yesterday evening .请高手精心解答并说明理由 She said that she _______(enjoy)listening to music .请高手精心解答并说明理由 请英语高手帮我把中文名翻译成英文 请帮我解答,并请能够说明理由更好,---______ do you go to the library?---Every sunday.A.When B.How often C.What 解答并说明理由 请帮我解一下这道题.并说明一下理由.帮我解释一下.谢谢 请数独高手或者数独编程高手帮我解答下这个数独难题啊 请英语高手来帮我解答难题请翻译这句话的意思Life on earth is not going to be impossible,but it will have to be carried on in far favorable circumstances. 英语高手帮个忙做英语单选,请不要糊弄我明天月考了.感谢( ) 1-Where did Susan ______with her family last year? A.travel B.travel to C.go to选择什么明天月考请帮我解决难题非常感谢~~~~~~!月考 请各位独数高手帮小弟解答这个难题.跪谢003000100071908350000050000060804030400000001010605090000030000098201740006000200 请英语高手帮我把“献给我初恋的女孩”翻译成英文. may I have some ___.(beef/orange juice)请帮我解答,并说明原因 请以最快的速度帮我一道数学题,无图,并说明理由. 解答并说明选择理由