
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/02 11:25:10


We are much more happier than the people who have handicap in five senses ,so we should cherish our healthy five senses

compare to the ones who are disable their five sense organs, we are all the lucky dog ,and of course we are much happier than them , so we should cherish our five sense organs which are still healthy .

Compared to those people who are handicaped by the five facial sense organs, we are much more fortunate. Therefore, we should treasure these organs.

Compared with the persons who have facial dysfunction, we are much happier,therefore we must cherish our facial health.

We are lucky that we are born with complete five senses as there are people out there who are not as fortunate as us. Therefore, we should learn to appreciate the five senses that we have.

比起那些有五官功能障碍的人.,我们更幸福.所以我们要好好珍惜健康的五官.不要用那些所谓的翻译软件,有道我也有,那些都是“中式英语”,我希望是比较地道的英语.起码是你自己翻的.(这 人的五官有哪些 人的五官各有什么作用? 人的五官里有哪些细胞 人的五官不可数名词有哪些 请教英文翻译,谢谢,千万不要机器翻译比起国内那些枯燥的广告,我更喜欢国外广告,有很棒的创意,回味无穷! 人的五官指的是人体的那些结构,这些结构与动物的有什么区别 英语翻译1比起强迫自己记住那些乏味的单词和词组,我更喜欢多多的阅读有趣的文章,多读对提高我们的英语水平更有作用(keep...in mind; force sb to do; work)2 王老师是睿智和乐于助人的.所以每当 人的五官是什么 比起短暂的温存,我更希望有你相伴的一生、英文 人的五官结构与动物有什么区别 幸福甜蜜的英文单词有那些啊 造血功能障碍?请给我介绍一下什么是造血功能障碍,就是再障吗?另外,这个病有没有可能治好,真的只能骨髓移植了吗? 用英语描写五官用英语描写人的五官,要写出五官的特点 2、 我们每人都有五官,有一个相声曾经讲了五官争功的故事.你有兴趣写写它的故事吗?请你以《五官的——如题 国家怎样才能让人民生活的更幸福,更有尊严? 如何理解让人民生活的更幸福更有尊严 有那些幸福格言?