
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/04 13:33:10


The Song of Youth
Youth is full of twenty-six letters.
A is angel , the life of the bloom of youth, filled with angelic vigor and vitality.
B is body , taking advantage of the young and healthy to fight it, not so old and feeble when you saw it.
C is cherful ,youth in those happy times, life will become beautiful scenery.
D is dream,may not be a dream come true, but youth must have a brilliant ideal.
E is endure , sometimes, stress is not necessarily a bad thing, at this time, you just need a little patience.
F is failure fail, to face the failure, is always a course of life. Fell, they quickly stand up.
G is growth, is a youth growing season, try to absorb nutrients, but do not attempt to harvest as soon as possible.
H is hardship,the plight of young age, is often a valuable asset in life.
I is interest , to keep a curious mind, the unknown areas of interest in it to keep a point.
J is job ,not readily available, you must have a trained expertise and knowledge, sometimes even thicker skinned.
K is kiss ,is the feeling of happiness and sweet, hope you kiss too early, but not too late.
L is love , the lack of love, youth is a failure, the Heart of your life partner is the most precious harvest.
M is make ,try to create the perfect product.
N is no ,dare to say all the things no doubt, will make you become smart and thoughtful.
O is opportunity ,the most valuable opportunities for youth during the most rare, only those who come prepared to wait.
P is parents ,who loves you. More than hello to their parents, spend more than what their parents home.
Q is question ,youth during the many problems to be solved, such as hobbies, career, love and family.
R is read (reading, reading) is reading the good old days of youth.
S is specialization ,than to master several skills, hold a few more skills, you will have a satisfactory job.
T is try ,sometimes in front of a door closed, you dare kick on the kick it? Perhaps, this opens the door to success.
U is unfair , Sometimes God is not common sense out the card, but you still have to keep in mind that the world does not always unfair, you sweat and hard work, not always futile .
V is victory,which every teenager wants to get.
W is woo , and sometimes love is not a matter of course.
X is unknown ,in order to make X into a fruit fragrance, in addition to fighting, you have a choice?
Y is year, youth is only a short period of 10 years. If they cherish, young birds soon flew away.
Z is zero ,will always be good at starting from scratch, whether you succeed or fail.
Youth is a beautiful song of letters ,isn,t it ?




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