
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/02 18:43:35


Classifying memory information is a good approach for enhancing the effect of memorization. If we group together things of the same kind during learning, when we recall one thing, the rest will come in a cluster.
The degree of concentration on attention will influence the effect of memorization; with focused attention, memorization effect will naturally be good. In order to achieve focused attention, we must reduce the distracting stimuli. For example, the learning environment should be peaceful, and the desk should not be cluttered with things because they will distract attention;the best is to leave nothing on the desk other than books. Many people like to read book while listening to music, this is also one of the factors affecting memory. We should not practice this habit and cut down distracting stimuli as much as possible.


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