
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/02 05:06:55


Paul,a two-year-old octopus(章鱼) in a German aquarium(水族馆) ,turned into a global celebrity for his uncanny(神秘的,离奇的) ability to predict the winner of all Germany's matches -- even a group stage defeat to Serbia and an ousting(驱逐,剥夺) by Spain in the semi-finals.
"Nothing beats grilled octopus," said Dolores Lusch,a Germany fan who works on a Berlin fish stall."Cut him up in thin slices and grill him on all sides with a dash of(少许,一点儿) lemon juice,olive oil and garlic(大蒜) on it.Delicious!"
Not an ordinarily superstitious(迷信的) people,Germans became believers in Paul's possible psychic powers.The country was shocked and distraught(发狂的) when he picked Spain to win after tipping German wins over Argentina,England,Ghana and Australia.
German newspapers and websites were filled with suggestions of what to do with Paul -- most involved cooking and eating him.
"Throw him in the frying pan," wrote the Berliner Kurier newspaper in a popular sentiment echoed by Die Welt,Sueddeutsche Zeitung,the Hamburger Abendblatt and other newspapers.
Paul's picks have become news across Germany and around the world.German networks have had live reports on Paul's picks.
On Friday,Paul will tip the winner of Saturday's Germany-Uruguay match for third place as well as the winner of the Spain-Netherlands final on Sunday.Networks in Germany,Spain and the Netherlands are planning live coverage