
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/02 12:17:10


Finally, at his death, some surprising changes occurred to him. The air he breathed out became wind and cloud. His moan became the the rumbling thunder. His left eye turned to the sun, while his eye became the moon. His body and limbs became the ground and mountains. His blood turned into rivers and his veins turned into roads.His beard and hair, turned into stars in the sky. 纯手工打制,希望楼主采纳咯~

亲,In his last moment, did not think of the body suddenly changed: his mouth breath, suddenly became the wind and clouds; he sound of groan, became the rumbling thunder; his left eye became the sun, ri...


亲,In his last moment, did not think of the body suddenly changed: his mouth breath, suddenly became the wind and clouds; he sound of groan, became the rumbling thunder; his left eye became the sun, right eye turned into the moon; limbs and body into the earth, and the mountain; blood into the rivers; veins became road, his hair and beard, also became the stars in the sky.


His breath became the wind; his voice the thunder; left eye the sun and right eye the moon; his body became the mountains and extremes of the world; his blood formed rivers; his...


His breath became the wind; his voice the thunder; left eye the sun and right eye the moon; his body became the mountains and extremes of the world; his blood formed rivers; his muscles the fertile lands; his facial hair the stars and milky way; his fur the bushes and forests; his bones the valuable minerals; his bone marrows sacred diamonds; his sweat fell as rain; and the fleas on his fur carried by the wind became the fish and animals throughout the land.


He died in the moment, have never thought the whole body suddenly a fundamental change: his mouth breath, immediately into the wind and cloud; His voice of moaning, become the loudest thunder; His lef...


He died in the moment, have never thought the whole body suddenly a fundamental change: his mouth breath, immediately into the wind and cloud; His voice of moaning, become the loudest thunder; His left eye into the sun, the moon into the right eye; Brothers and body, become the earth and mountains; The blood become river; Channels become road, the hair and beard, also became the stars in the sky.


At the split second of his death, Whole body suddendly changed. Gasping air went to wind and cloud,moaning into booms of thunder,left eye into Sun with right into moon, arms and legs to lands and mounts,blood to river and hair and beard into stars shinng in the night sky.


Things came out that his body changed at the last momen when he's die: his mouth breath changed into wind and cloud; his groan became the rumbbing thunder; his left eye turned to the sun and right tur...


Things came out that his body changed at the last momen when he's die: his mouth breath changed into wind and cloud; his groan became the rumbbing thunder; his left eye turned to the sun and right turned to the moon; his limbs and body changed to earth and mountain; the blood to be rivers and veins to be roads; and even his hair and beard turned to stars in the sky.


In his last moment, did not think of the body suddenly changed: his mouth breath, suddenly became the wind and clouds; he sound of groan, became the rumbling thunder; his left eye became the sun, righ...


In his last moment, did not think of the body suddenly changed: his mouth breath, suddenly became the wind and clouds; he sound of groan, became the rumbling thunder; his left eye became the sun, right eye turned into the moon; limbs and body into the earth, and the mountain; blood into the rivers; veins became road, his hair and beard, also became the stars in the sky


At the moment while he dead,there was an unexpected wonder happened in his body: The breath from his mouth became cloud and wind; The moan before death became strongly rumble of thunder; His left eye ...


At the moment while he dead,there was an unexpected wonder happened in his body: The breath from his mouth became cloud and wind; The moan before death became strongly rumble of thunder; His left eye turned into the sun and right one turned into the moon; His hands, feet and body became the earth and mountains; His blood formed the rivers; The arteries and veins became the roads, the hair and beard turned into the shining stars in the sky.


英语翻译以下是翻译内容:就在他临死之一瞬,没想到全身忽然发生了根本变化:他口里呼出的气,顿时变成了风和云;他呻吟之声,变成了隆隆作响的雷霆;他的左眼变成了太阳,右眼变成了月 英语翻译内容:不久,他就在人群中消失了 英语翻译人最宝贵的东西是生命,生命属于我们只有一次。人的一生应当这样度过:当他回首往事时他不因虚度年华而悔恨,也不因碌碌无为而羞愧。这样在他临死的时候就能够说:我已把 英语翻译翻译的内容是“他们选择跳槽的原因总结起来就是以下几种” 英语翻译太后临死前写下的遗诏,内容:我一生为皇帝操劳,与国家心系,如今终于可以在地下安逸度日,我很欣慰.我本家嫡兄有一个年纪最小的女儿,是为皇帝之表妹,生得十分水灵清秀,性子也 英语翻译人最宝贵的是生命.它给予我们只有一次.人的一生应当这样度过:当他回首往事时不因虚度年华而悔恨,也不因碌碌无为而羞耻.这样在他临死的时侯就能够说:“我已把我整个的生命 英语翻译小组任务分配我翻译个JB剧本以下是剧本内容 不同人物我用123代替 尽量口语化点~像电影对白1:你到底要干嘛?2:我在想如果3看到你这个样子他会怎样?1:他到底做了什么,为什么你 英语翻译要这个缩略版的翻译,要翻译的内容:夜莺与蔷薇这是我小时候看过的一本童话.很凄美的故事.青年学生喜欢上教授的女儿,女孩答应他,只要他送她一朵红蔷薇,自己就在舞会上陪他跳 英语翻译关于友谊的。我想写一篇真实的文章,我在文章里直接用英文写的,就是希望你们翻译时候能用上的,是才学的短语或者单词。翻译内容:我不愿提及他的真名,我在这里就叫他“C 英语翻译写完直接放在网上就行了,以下是帮忙翻译内容:摘 要随着生物信息学的发展,表达序列标签(est)在分子标记开发、新基因分离鉴定、基因表达谱分析、基因组功能注释、基因电子 英语翻译不要翻译机的哦.以下是需要翻译的内容:在这个世界上没有一种捷径,只要我告诉你,你就能得到你想要的一切.你的性格中存在缺陷,你过于冲动,不理智,每当遇到问题你第一反应是逃 英语翻译翻译以下古文:于园在瓜州步五里铺,富人于五所园也.非显者刺,则门钥不得出.葆生叔同知瓜州,携余往,主人处处款之.园中无他奇,奇在磥石.前堂石坡高二丈,上植果子松数棵,缘坡植 英语翻译求以下文言翻译1.大学之道,在明明德.2.老吾老以及人之老.3.是故明主贵五谷而贱金玉.4.君将哀而生之乎.5.束氏日市肉啖之. 人生短暂,一瞬而已.生命的价值在哪里?无论你拥有什么、创造了什么,一瞬也就烟消云散. 英语翻译本人英语基本不会,但是今天无聊之中想起个英文名,我就想到了:“我不是英雄”这一词,我在用百度翻译这一词时发现,他翻译的是:I'm not a hero,我就想“im no hero是什么意思”翻译之 求古文全文曾经在读者的第一页上度过一篇古文,关于明朝或者是清朝的一个居士,他有一个知己.在他临死之前,他祈求监斩官多给他几分钟,就在这一段时间里,他的好朋友敢来了,见了他最后一 英语翻译盖将自其变者而观之,则天地曾不能一瞬;自其不变者而观之,则物与我皆无尽也,而又何羡乎?这只要这一句的翻译,及相关哲理.回答字数应在300字以内! 英语翻译之翻译Chapter1就成.