电脑开机时出现蓝屏,如下:A problem has been detected and windows has been shut down to prevent damage to your computerIf this is the first time you’ve seen this stop error screen restart your computer .If this screen appears again, follow

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/04 10:44:29

电脑开机时出现蓝屏,如下:A problem has been detected and windows has been shut down to prevent damage to your computerIf this is the first time you’ve seen this stop error screen restart your computer .If this screen appears again, follow
电脑开机时出现蓝屏,如下:A problem has been detected and windows has been shut down to prevent damage to your computerIf this is the first time you’ve seen this stop error screen restart your computer .If this screen appears again, follow these steps:Check to be sure you have adequate disk space .If a driver is identified in the stop message, disable the driver or check with the manufacturer for driver updates. Try changing Video adapters.Check with your hardware vendor for any BIOS updates .Disable BIOS memory options suck as caching or shadowing. If you need to use Safe Mode to remove or disable components, restart your computer, press F8 to select Advanced Startup options, and then select advanced startup options, and then select Safe Mode.Technical information:* ** STOP :0X0000007E(0XC0000005,0XF8506741,0XF895B0F4,0XF895ADF0)ACPI、sys - Adress F850674) base at F84F5000,Datestmp 480252b1意思我大概懂一点点,应该是硬盘或BIOS问题,哪位大虾会弄的教教我,本人不太会弄这些,过程尽量仔细一点,具体到怎样操作要说清楚,我只要解决方法,不要跟我讨论没用的东西.现在开不了机,只能进BIOS了,安全模式好像也不太行.

电脑开机时出现蓝屏,如下:A problem has been detected and windows has been shut down to prevent damage to your computerIf this is the first time you’ve seen this stop error screen restart your computer .If this screen appears again, follow
1 只是偶然事件,重起即可排除.不可以排除这个可能,因为按概率来说在是存在的,我们不可以因为一次蓝屏而就固执的认为计算机有故障!
2 WindowsXP本身带有的一个BUG.它的表现是:在关机过程中,间歇性的出现蓝屏现象,我们可以通过下载补丁的办法来解决这个问题!
3 驱动程序问题.我们可以查找最近安装的驱动程序,是否存在兼容性的问题或者把系统还原到上一次正确操作!
4 软件冲突造成关机蓝屏.确认在关机前关掉所有正在运行的程序,如果反复出现关机蓝屏现象请检查最近安装软件的兼容性或者重新安装系统、系统还原或者删除最近安装软件试试!
5 感染病毒.进入安全模式彻底杀毒!
6 主板BIOS不稳定.给BIOS放电或者升级主板BIOS!
7 非正常关闭计算机引起的蓝屏故障.
8 内存条故障.大部分是内存条被氧化,有橡皮擦下金手指 换一下内存插槽基本是就可以排除,还有就是内存的不兼容,一般重新安装系统可以解决!散装内存一般品质参差不齐,伪劣产品由于品质不过关很容易引起蓝频故障!
9 注册表损坏导致文件指向错误所引起的蓝屏.
10 硬件故障.这个一般可以用替换法解决!
11 硬件资源冲突.由于显卡或者声卡设置冲突,引起的异常错误.解决方法进入“安全模式”“控制面板—系统—设备管理”中进行适当调整,一般可以解决!
12 硬盘分区信息错误.最好运用磁盘工具进行扫描修复!
13 磁盘剩余空间过少或者垃圾文件过多也严重影响计算机运行!我们应该形成好的习惯定期清理磁盘垃圾!
14 超频引起蓝屏故障.
15 灰尘问题.定期清理机箱内垃圾可以有效预防死机以及蓝屏的发生!
16 升级DX时把system下的部分重要文件覆盖安装.
17 检查机箱内线路是否松动,硬盘接口等以及显卡 网卡 声卡 内存等是否插紧.
18 电源问题.由于劣质电源电压不稳定,非常有可能引起一系列的问题,比如无故死机 重起 蓝屏等现象,电源问题引起蓝屏主要是因为电压不稳定,开机时间过长在显卡等一系列设备中形成一些脉冲电阻,在关机的时候计算机就会发现错误,所以引起蓝屏!

开机蓝屏出现please 电脑开机时出现蓝屏,如下:A problem has been detected and windows has been shut down to prevent damage to your computerIf this is the first time you’ve seen this stop error screen restart your computer .If this screen appears again, follow 电视机开机蓝屏 右上角出现PAL DK 电脑开机蓝屏显示a problem has been detected and windows has been.蓝屏之后一直不动 开不了机啊 我的电脑在开机时出现pleas.wait.是什么意思? 为什么我的电脑开机时出现A probem has been detected and windows has been shut 电脑开机出现syboardnotfound是神马意思 我的本本一开机就蓝屏啊、出现英文 a problem has been detected and windows has been shutdown toprent 我的本本一开机就蓝屏啊、出现英文a problem has been detected and windows has been shutdown toprent damage to your comput hecking for cd-rom copy not found 我的电脑一开机就是出现的这两排字母 始终开不了机 哪位大哥帮帮并且偶尔开机成功后 一用 马上就会出现蓝屏 现很多英文字母 死机了 电脑开机时发出三声长的滴声然后没反应哦电脑以前也有这种情况...后来不知怎么的自己好了...这一般是什么情况...能自己恢复的吗电脑刚才能开机..但一开程序就蓝屏还有一堆英文...大概 电脑突然蓝屏有许多英文字怎么回事啊电脑突然蓝屏有许多英文字,我在看电视剧是出现这样的情况. 我电脑为什么会死机 突然出现蓝屏0×00000006(0×000000000 0×000000000 0×0000000000) 一开机就出现这个,然后蓝屏下显示0 percent complete到100 percent complete,然后才进入 英语翻译我电脑开机的时候出现这样的语句, 开机时总是出现这个, shut down to prevet damage to your computer是什么意思正常开机,然后一会儿就,黑屏重新启动,再过一会儿就出现蓝屏,出现后上面有一大堆的英文,A problem has been detected and windows has been shut down to prevent da 电脑电源上的电压写着220V,要是电压稍高于220V会出现什么情况,会出现蓝屏吗 开机时出现FACTORY MODE怎么解决