
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/04 02:38:50




100/51+239/120____1比较大小(求详解) (动脑筋)比大小,找规律.1-四分之三____1-五分之四,1-十分之九____1-十三分之十二,1-二十一分之二十____1-三九分之三八,1-九十九分之八十八____1-一百分之九十九找规律:分母比分 找规律:1 1 3 2 _____ 3 7 _____ 9 5 1 2 4 5 7 ____ 10 ____1 1 3 2 _____ 3 7 _____ 9 51 2 4 5 7 ____ 10 ____ his lifestyle is different from ____1.my 2.mine 3.i 4.me a smiles costs nothing,but gives so ____1.little 2.few 3.many 4.much 填空1.已知x:y=1:2,y:z=3:2,则x:y:z=______2.大、小两个齿轮,大齿轮每分钟转50圈,小齿轮每分钟转75圈,由大小齿轮各转一圈所需时间的最简整数比是____1.20厘米:1.2米的比值是( )A.50:3 B.3:50 C.1 this one isn`t good,that one is ____1.bad 2.worst 3.even worst 4.the worst i don`t like doing the dishes because it`s ____1.interesting 2.boring 3.interested 4.bored How many apples are there on the desk now?There aren't ____1.some2.any3.one4.ones 288比192 240比160 192比128 144比96 96比64 40比80 60比90 80比100 120比180 急 利用平方差公式计算:41的二次方-39的二次方=____1.1的二次方-0.9的二次方=____ 1.在这本书封面画一幅画. Draw a picture ______ ________ ____1.在这本书封面画一幅画.Draw a picture ______ ________ _________cover of the book. 5、设△ABC外接圆圆心P满足向量AP=2/5(向量AB+向量AC),则cos∠BAC=____1/4 14.若随机变量X-N(4,6),则x的变异系数是____1.5_______.这1.5怎么来 作文:真诚的____1、写一件事.2、400字以上.题目真诚的____(谁).开头和结尾要好一点,而且要点题 1.What table can tell you what to do?____1.What table can tell you what to do?____________________________ 2.What table can we eat?____________________________ tina graduated from school and she was _____a student ____1.no,anymore 2.not,anymore3.not,no more 4.no ,some more 用good,nice,fine,OK填____1.My English is not_____.2.The old man is very____3.How are you,Li Ming?I'm____