
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/07 15:04:38


The hearts of the blue sky and white clouds like the pigeons soar freely.
Teachers and parents share the hope we grow up healthily.
Bloom day we walked into the university campus this happy place, happy campus at Ping'an singing;
Bloom day, we travel the campus of the University of the knowledge of the oceans, and teachers weave together a dream;
Bloom day we are willing to use mood Happiness notes to compose a harmonious campus cheerful music.
Harmony is China's traditional culture with the concept of representativeness is the best state of things exist, but also all the common characteristics of good things. Achieve harmony, and are pursued through the ages of human ideals and aspirations of the beautiful. And mobilize all positive factors to build a harmonious and civilized campus environment will also be an eternal theme.
Campus to be set up to build a harmonious harmonious teacher-student relationship. Teachers also doubts preacher etc., are the teachers give us inspiration and cultural knowledge, so that we have from ignorance to knowledge, from childishness to maturity. Teacher has given us knowledge of rain, necessary that we fully accepted, Value of Teacher pay, respect for the teacher's labor. Teachers and students love each other mutual respect, thereby creating a harmonious atmosphere for study.
The building of a harmonious campus to be set up to establish harmonious relations between classmates. Interest in helping students have difficulties to help them feel warm and harmonious campus. Maintain a good attitude, treat people with tolerance, with a sincere heart in good faith to change one another's heart. Friendly coexistence between the Student, thereby creating a harmonious interpersonal relationships.
The building of a harmonious campus required to be set up set up good style of study, good school. We have to advocate for a vigorous style of the team, a down-to-earth spirit of study, will be style of study point to the goal of building an "ideal, unity, self-improvement, to become useful." A wind classes forge ahead in unity and hard work hard to promote the personal style of study at a good environment to grow up. Good school such as life-giving spring breeze, quietly to attract students to forge ahead in each, ideal for hard work. Positive school ethos, thereby creating a harmonious atmosphere of education.
Campus to be set up to build a harmonious integrity, civilized style. Mutual trust between classmates, frank, honest, practical things to do. Examinations resolutely put an end to fraud, with honesty and strength of Teacher Hand in themselves and give a satisfactory answer. Style of rigorous and civilization, thus creating a harmonious campus culture.
Students, teachers, building a harmonious campus required the joint efforts of all of us, he was in front of thorns We will persevere with problems. Xuehai vast, we do brave sailors, brave the wind and waves, the future together. The footsteps of行云流水such as youth, youth years knowledge necessary nourishment. Let us take life each day to the harmony of the other side of campus before.
With U.S. intelligence and courage raised the ideal of sailing, with our youth and the life time of the strong tone played. We abandoned the confused, and grasp of the course. We work together tirelessly摇桨, the movement will eventually be played on campus.
Bloom day, let us education in a harmonious atmosphere happily study; bloom day, let us park in the interest of Happiness mold sentiment; bloom day, let us at harmonious interpersonal relationships in a healthy growth. The future is not a dream, today, in our hands.

外语交流(英语)短文?校园,同学之间互相交流的句子/短文。 在校园碰见同学互相问候 英语情景对话 以传统学校的优缺点写一百字的英语作文,优点是同学之间朝夕相处建立的友谊非常珍贵,与老师同学互相交流互相交流互相学习能提高交流水平.缺点是只能在固定的时间地点学习,无法自己选 为什么感觉中国人之间说英语互相听不懂,和老外说英语就交流很顺畅?遇到过好多次,和中国同学中国主管(肯定不是他们英语差)讲英语感觉交流有困难,和老外几乎毫无障碍,这是为什么呢? 写一篇失物招领的英语短文.丢失的东西有:铅笔,文具盒,篮球,校服,自行车和一部受机...谢谢...50词左右...就是在一个柜台上有这些东西..同学交流是谁的是谁的...互相问问... 美化校园 保护环境英语短文 要短文 描写校园的英语短文要求:写景 30-40字之间 英语翻译春游是为了休息和放松,也是同学之间互相交流的好机会.路途和游玩中大家应互相关照和帮助 植物体的相邻细胞之间,通过( )互相交流营养A细胞质B细胞液C胞间连丝 与同学交流的英语 同学之间缺乏沟通和交流 英语翻译 同学之间缺乏沟通和交流用英语怎么说用上communication with 修改病句:同学之间要互相关心、互相帮助、互相爱戴. 描写温暖校园的英语短文!描写温暖校园的英语短文,要带汉语的 介绍同学英语短文词数在30~40之间就可以了````急~! 流利地用英语互相交流翻译为英语 互相关爱的作文400字(不能写让座之类的)最好是同学之间互相互相关爱的作文 不想跟同学分享自己的学习资料 不知如何拒绝(大学里 考研 )不想与其分享的那些同学不是指我的好朋友 好朋友之间当然是会互相交流的 我是指那些平素与我交往根本不真诚的人 就是说