初一到初三的一些英语解释句子(牛津深圳版)拜托各位了 3Q1.Talk less,and we will both enjoy the wonderful music.2.Joe does not play football so well as David.3.What's your mother?4.My clock went wrong(要改went wrong,) yesterday

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/02 15:45:58

初一到初三的一些英语解释句子(牛津深圳版)拜托各位了 3Q1.Talk less,and we will both enjoy the wonderful music.2.Joe does not play football so well as David.3.What's your mother?4.My clock went wrong(要改went wrong,) yesterday
初一到初三的一些英语解释句子(牛津深圳版)拜托各位了 3Q
1.Talk less,and we will both enjoy the wonderful music.2.Joe does not play football so well as David.3.What's your mother?4.My clock went wrong(要改went wrong,) yesterday 5.He is very rich and he can afford(要改can afford)the big house.6.I know the girl who has a book in her hand.7.Would you please show me how I could solve the problem?8.The question is so diffcult that i can't answer it.PS!是英语解释句子不是翻译句子- -|||

初一到初三的一些英语解释句子(牛津深圳版)拜托各位了 3Q1.Talk less,and we will both enjoy the wonderful music.2.Joe does not play football so well as David.3.What's your mother?4.My clock went wrong(要改went wrong,) yesterday
1、Be quiet and we can enjoy the wonderful music. 2、Joe and David either do not play football. 3、What do your mother do? 4、My clock had break down yesterday. 5、He is so rich that have ability to pay the big house 6、I know that girl.She has a book in her hand. 7、Can you show me that the way to solve the problem. 8、The question is very diffcult,I can't answer it. 非标准答案,仅供参考!

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