
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/02 01:28:08

待了 50 年的老布已经被彻彻底底地禁锢了,他甚至“爱上这个地方”.他就像一只
长期关在笼里的小鸟,即使飞出笼外,也失去了适应外界自由生活的能力.因此,当他获得假释时,他感到惶恐,无法适应狱外的自由的常人生活.最后,只好以死来寻求心灵的解脱.另外,在监狱里无所不能的黑人瑞德甚至不敢有希望,他觉得“希望是危险的东西”.瑞德到监狱第 20 年和 30 年时申请假释都被驳回,尽管他一直称自己已经改过自新.直到他在狱中 40 年时,他已经不抱任何希望.正如


In LiuGuSun editor of the english-chinese dictionary, prison (prison) can also be metaphor for "imprison" meaning. The film shawshank symbolizes the darkness, evil, decadent and death. It peopled with...


In LiuGuSun editor of the english-chinese dictionary, prison (prison) can also be metaphor for "imprison" meaning. The film shawshank symbolizes the darkness, evil, decadent and death. It peopled with prisoners of hope and freedom. But the warden, guard and the jailkeeper was imprisoned; the executor. And their hands, and truncheon so-called "discipline", have become imprison spirit tool. Imprison trample upon man's mind. In this institutionalizing prison,
For 50 years of mark has been totally shackled, he even "fall in love with this place". He was like a
Long locked in the cage bird, and even fly launch outside, also lost the ability to change when free life. Therefore, when he get parole, he felt panic, cannot adapt to prison outside the normal life of freedom. Finally, had died to come seeking mind liberation. In addition, in prison omnipotent black rhett dare not even has hope, and he feels "hope is a dangerous thing." Rhett to prison first 20 years and 30 years were rejected, apply for parole, although he has been has declared himself to turn over a new leaf. Until he is in prison 40 years, he has had no hope. as
He said: "... only the old man... I so live..." But this time he actually parole apply for success. Although out of the prison, but he was imprisoned without approval, unexpectedly to drop urine is urine won't come out. Jail life made the institutionalizing committed people's soul and spirit are terrible shackled.


英语翻译在陆谷孙主编的《英汉大词典》中,监狱(prison)还可隐喻为“禁锢”之意.影片中的肖申克监狱象征着黑暗、邪恶、颓废和死亡.它禁锢着囚徒们的希望和自由.而典狱长、狱警和狱卒 陆谷孙主编,上海译文出版社出版的英汉大词典第二版怎么样?看里面说是很多翻译都用他查阅生词 英汉大词典怎么样 英语翻译《英汉大词典》或《牛津中阶》适合我用吗 陆谷孙的英汉大词典 与牛津高阶英汉双解词典(第六版那个)各自有什么优劣或者说特点RT 牛津进阶英汉双解词典和中阶英汉双解词典的区别? 柯林斯高阶英语词典和英汉大词典的收词量请问:柯林斯高阶英语词典和陆谷孙先生的英汉大辞典收词量相当吗?各是属于中型词典还是大型词典? 大连哪里有卖陆谷孙编的英汉大词典的?我在大连的新华书店只看到英汉大词典的增补本,不知道哪里能买到原来那个上下册的?是不是要去北京等大的地方才能买到呀? 新东方大愚书店有没有英汉大词典陆谷孙的啊?北京的新东方总部那 CATTI 三笔带哪本英语字典好一个英汉大词典》第二版(全一册) 陆谷孙主编 特大特沉 放桌子上感觉卷子都没地方放了 另一种选择是朗文当代高级英语词典 外研社的 方便轻巧 就是发现有的 新世纪英汉科技大词典那里有现在这个词典的? 请问在复旦大学周围的书店有上海译文出版社的《英汉大词典》第二版吗?我想买上海译文出版社的《英汉大词典》第二版,书本标价是228元,现那家折价较多. 请问在复旦大学周围的书店有上海译文出版社的《英汉大词典》第二版吗?我想买上海译文出版社的《英汉大词典》第二版,书本标价是228元,现那家折价较多. 请问 《牛津高阶英汉双解词典》和《牛津中阶英汉双解词典》区别在哪? 请问《牛津高阶英汉双解词典》和《牛津中阶英汉双解词典》区别在哪? 牛津高阶英汉双解词典 是所有英文词典中 最权威的吗? 英语翻译这是一款鱼竿的制造地,barfilon在线翻译未翻译出来,英汉大词典未查出,本人菜鸟一个, 请有第六版牛津英汉高阶词典的网友答一下怎么才能在第六版牛津英汉高阶词典中查到kick-ass这个词呢?我好像查不到啊.这么说第六版上就没有这个词?