每篇50词以上.作文可使用学过的三种时态:一般现在时、现在进行时、一般过去时.要符合人教版七年级下册英语书的内容.亲爱的网友们,我要的是8篇英语小作文 (祈求ing……)

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/04 01:31:47

每篇50词以上.作文可使用学过的三种时态:一般现在时、现在进行时、一般过去时.要符合人教版七年级下册英语书的内容.亲爱的网友们,我要的是8篇英语小作文 (祈求ing……)
亲爱的网友们,我要的是8篇英语小作文 (祈求ing……)

每篇50词以上.作文可使用学过的三种时态:一般现在时、现在进行时、一般过去时.要符合人教版七年级下册英语书的内容.亲爱的网友们,我要的是8篇英语小作文 (祈求ing……)
My pen pal
I have a pen pal,his name is Marche.He likes to play basketball and play football.But I think playing basketball is too dangerous.He is Australian,he likes green and blue.I also like the two colors.His 14-year-old this year,he looked high.He has a gold-colored short hair.He is of medium build.Very white skin.He has a round face.He looks great spirit.
His favorite subject is history and I also like history.Me and he was recognized in August of last year.I like his character.He and I are best friends!
My Photos
Look!Here are a few of my photos.In the first photo,I was playing soldiers Bang.Bing Bang is China's national sport,I can play well.See,I do not cool?In the second photo,I and my family is eating lunch,my mother has a golden hair,she was very beautiful.My father is working hard to eat.Moving my sister laugh,and me?My grandmother said in a joke to them!Under a photograph,I was swimming,I like to swim and I am very good at swimming.Hot in the summer,swimming can I find it very cool.
Photos are cool I do not?
My family
I have a happy family:mother,father and me.We are very happy every day.Mom has a golden hair,she is of medium build,and her sub-general.Mother's big eyes,very beautiful.I love my mother.Father's tall,he was very young,and I have a sense of security with the father.And me?I medium height,likes to play.Mom and Dad love me,I love them
We are a really happy!
My pencil box
I have a rabbit like pencil boxes,it is lovely.I like it.It can be loaded a lot of things.I put the three ball-point pen.An eraser.A ruler.4 pencils and 2 pens.Pencil box can put a lot of things,its great capacity.I can hang bags on it.Are the envy of others I have such a lovely pencil box
I love my pencil box!

孩子- -,网络不是作业机器- -...这种不叫做帮忙...

Listen and renad about the life in the year 2100.
In the 2100,
Perhaps there wont be enough(足够的) room for everybody on earth.
Perhaps there will be cities on the moon.
People will ...


Listen and renad about the life in the year 2100.
In the 2100,
Perhaps there wont be enough(足够的) room for everybody on earth.
Perhaps there will be cities on the moon.
People will live on the moon.
Perhaps people will live in space stations(航天站).
Perhaps robots will do all the work.
People wont go to work any more.
Perhaps there wont be any schools.
Children will learn from computers at home.
Read the passage again ,then talk about
your hometown in the yeat 2100.



每篇50词以上.作文可使用学过的三种时态:一般现在时、现在进行时、一般过去时.要符合人教版七年级下册英语书的内容.亲爱的网友们,我要的是8篇英语小作文 (祈求ing……) 初一英语假期生活作文最好有中文,用初一之前学过的时态来写,能看的懂,每篇不少于50词,至少要10篇 关于动物的 英语作文 至少使用2种时态 50字以上 初中三英语所有学过的时态 小学英语的四种时态作文(一般现在时、一般将来时、一般过去时、现在进行时)每篇不少于50个单词 小学英语的四种时态作文(一般现在时、一般将来时、一般过去时、现在进行时)每篇不少于50个单词 四个时态写两篇英语作文 每篇不少于50个单词 用四个时态各写两篇作文,每篇不少于50个单词. 三篇,每篇50词 求四篇作文 要每篇300字以上的 追加了50分 暑假记事作文800字要7篇,每篇500字以上.不要记流水账,条理要清,有层次.要新鲜的不要别人写过的. 三篇英语作文【初一】、在线等第一个、参加体育活动的、描写活动过程和感受第②个、和父母一起做晚餐、描写过程和感受3、描写暑假中的见闻发表看法每篇80词以上 从没学过奥数奥语,但自己的语文学的不错,有什么办法可以上五大名校么? 英语作文三篇(每篇50~60词均可)第一篇关于家规的第二篇关于校规的第三篇关于图书馆规定的 英语作文 I like English 1,我喜欢英语且为什么,并学了多久 (略)2,我怎样提高英语,(I have ever done .)使用以上句型写出三种以上方法.并写出你最受用或最喜欢的一种.(详)3,在未来我将做什么 初中英语学过哪8种时态,谁知道? 初中英语学过哪8种时态,谁知道? 初一假期作文骆驼祥子,钢铁怎样炼成的,读后感每篇五百字以上.