
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/07 01:16:32


With the constant deepening of China's economic reform and the increasing development of the socialist market economy,on the one hand,the accounting information in the macro and micro management more and more important,indicating an important role,on the other hand,the old and new policies in the structural transformation measures in place,macroeconomic surveillance control and corporate self-restraint mechanism is not perfect,and some units such as the operators a sense of law,accounting information is not true,not true is a growing problem,and has been damaged to varying degrees,the state and the public the legitimate interests of,interferes with the normal market economic order,on the effective operation of national macroeconomic policies have brought serious negative impact.

As China's economic system reform and the socialist market economic development, on the one hand, the accounting information in macroeconomic regulation and microcosmic management has become more and ...


As China's economic system reform and the socialist market economic development, on the one hand, the accounting information in macroeconomic regulation and microcosmic management has become more and more important, show the important role, on the other hand, because of the system transformation of relevant policies and measures do not reach the designated position, macro economic control and supervision enterprise self-discipline mechanism, and some units operator of legality, the accounting information is not true and false, and has serious problem in different undermined the state and society public legal interests, to interfere with the normal order of the market economy, to the state's macroeconomic policy effective operation also poses a serious negative impact.


As China's economic reform continued to deepen and socialist market economy growing, on the one hand, and accounting information in macro-and micro-management display on more and more important, its i...


As China's economic reform continued to deepen and socialist market economy growing, on the one hand, and accounting information in macro-and micro-management display on more and more important, its important role, on the other hand, because the new and old systems conversion related policy measures are not in place, macroeconomic monitoring control and self restraint mechanism is not perfect, and some units operators legal concept of weak, accounting information is not true and not true of a growing problem, and have varying degrees of prejudice to the national and the legitimate interests of the public, it interferes with the normal market order, on national macroeconomic policies effectively run also bring serious negative impact.


英语翻译随着我国经济体制改革的不断深入和社会主义市场经济的日益发展,一方面,会计信息在宏观调控和微观管理上越来越重要,显示其重要作用,另一方面,由于新旧体制转换中相关政策措 英语翻译作为现代化经济发展的中枢,金融业在国民经济中的作用日益重要,但是随着我国经济体制改革的不断深入,金融组织体系改革也必须不断加强。因此,必须构筑我国金融体系改革 英语翻译随着改革开放的不断深入和经济建设的迅猛发展,国际交流与合作不断扩大!用英语如何翻译? 请帮我翻成英文吧,随着我国经济体制改革的不断深入,财务管理已是企业管理的重要组成部分,渗透在企业的各个领域、各个环节当中,成为企业管理的核心,也为企业家和经济界人士所共识.中 英语翻译RT,不要机翻的,关联方交易是一种特殊的交易形式.我国上市公司的关联方交易伴随着我国现代企业制度的建立而出现,并随着我国经济体制改革的深入和加入世贸组织带来的激烈国际 英语翻译随着中国改革开放的不断深入和成功加入WTO,我国与世界各国的联系也越来越密切.各种类型的跨文化谈判日益频繁,然而文化差异直接影响着谈判能否顺利进行.这意味着了解各国不同 英语翻译浅议保险业市场中的信息不对称现象及其应对策略随着中国市场改革的不断深入,保险行业在我国已经成为人们普遍关注的焦点.随着我国保险业对外开放的程度加深,我国保险业正逐 英语翻译随着我国经济体制改革的不断深化,经济产业结构的调整及各种运输方式之间的竞争日趋激烈.传统的铁路营运方式已经不能适应市场的需要,铁路货运要想在竞争中立于不败之地,必须 英语翻译当前,随着新经济时代的来临,市场环境发生了极大的变化,品牌己成为企业占领市场的重要工具.同时,随着我国市场经济的发展和改革开放的不断深入,我国的企业面临着更加激烈的竞 英语翻译随着我国改革开放的不断深入和加入世界贸易组织(WTO) ,中国的贸易业务与国际贸易业务有着越来越广泛和深入的联系.为了使国内从事贸易业务的人员能了解更多、更准确的国际经 英语翻译中文摘要:近年来,随着我国经济持续高速发展,我国度假旅游也不断深入发展,旅游消费不断增长及旅游观念的日渐成熟,人们特别是处于消费潮流前列的城市居民,经过了初期单纯以观 汉译英短文求帮助随着经济全球化和社会主义市场经济的深入发展,我国税收事业也在不断地改革,纳税人的组织形式、经营方式、经营业务不断调整,大型企业集团相继涌现,税源国际化趋势日 我国经济体制改革的主要内容和特点是什么? 英语翻译摘 要随着中国加入WTO,经济迅速发展,改革开放不断深入,公民的监督参与意识不断加强,原有政府所扮演的角色已经不能适应社会政治经济发展的客观要求.所以在现阶段,我国必须实现 英语翻译随着中国改革开放的不断深入以及中国企业国际化进程的加快,中国企业纷纷把眼光瞄准了国际市场,与此同时,为了加快中国经济改革开放的步伐,我国政府也制定了“走出去”战略, 英语翻译浅论网络营销及管理模式随着经济全球化以及信息革命的不断深入,我国互联网络普及程度越来越高,一个全新的网络化市场逐渐形成,网络经济也随之持续升温.网络市场蕴藏着巨大的 我国的经济体制改革? 紧急求助,求英文翻译!帮帮.随着我国改革开放的不断深入,社会主义市场经济的不断完善,税收征收管理体制和运行机制在征管模式的推进下,得到了很大的发展,税收征管质量也得到了很大的提