
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/02 15:00:35


Gauss (1777 1855)
German mathematician,physicist and astronomer,the British Royal Society Member.
Gauss is a farmer's son,childhood,his math on the show extraordinary talent.Three-year-old father to correct an error in calculation; They found 10-year-old independent series of arithmetic summation of the formula; 11-year-old found the binomial theorem.Gauss's bright young prodigies,was looking famous Formula Duke and the interest subsidy to enable him to continue further studies.The Gaussian 19-year-old university in the near future,invented the only ruler and compass 17 is a side-shaped,the problem of two thousand years of outstanding geometric problems.In 1801,he published ,on the higher number theory and algebraic some of the issues.He hypergeometric series,a complex function,statistical mathematics,elliptic function of both major contribution.As a physicist,he and William.Weber collaborative research electromagnetics and the invention of electrodes.The purpose of the experiment,Gauss also invented the dual magnetometer,which he was right on the issue of electromagnetic a very meaningful results.Gauss,as a 30-year-old German famous institutions of higher learning Observatory,and has been working to death in the Observatory.He also likes his life linguistics and literature,understand dozen foreign language.He was issued 323 (species) works made 404 scientific imagination,completed the four important inventions.
After the death of Gauss,people born in the city he erected his statue.To commemorate his discovery made 17-of-way,the statue's base Xiu-17 side.He is a world recognized and Newton,Archimedes,the mathematician Euler Ming.

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