
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/07 16:27:13

关键词:元杂剧; 清官形象; 清官特点;清官类型

Detective drama created Yuan Bao Zheng,Zhang Ding and other clean government image.Its formation has a specific historical background and reasons for the psychological demands of the people at that time.In them can feel the Yuan Dynasty writers thought given to their common character traits:honesty and integrity,Zhifarushan and outspoken,people plead and so on.The image of clean government have different sub-types.

Abstract: The Yuan Dynasty detective drama created Bao Zheng, Zhang Ding and other clean government image. Its formation has a specific historical background and reasons for the psychological demands ...


Abstract: The Yuan Dynasty detective drama created Bao Zheng, Zhang Ding and other clean government image. Its formation has a specific historical background and reasons for the psychological demands of the people at that time. In them can feel the Yuan Dynasty writers thought given to their common character traits: honesty and integrity, Zhifarushan and outspoken, people plead and so on. The image of clean government have different sub-types.
Keywords: Yuan; clean government image; clean government characteristics; clean government type


英语翻译摘要:元杂剧公案剧塑造了包拯、张鼎等清官形象.其产生有特定的历史背景以及当时人民的心理诉求原因.在他们身上能感受到元杂剧作家们赋予其共同的思想性格特征:清正廉洁、 英语翻译浅析李逵形象的演变摘要:李逵在元杂剧和小说《水浒传》中都是一个非常重要的有地位的中心人物,其形象有一个演绎和变迁的过程.两种作品都体现了李逵的粗鲁,勇猛与爱憎分明, 元杂剧概述? 元杂剧的资料 元杂剧剧本 结构 怎么写元杂剧 英语翻译论《红楼梦》人物性格表现多面性的描写摘要:《红楼梦》塑造出一大批具有高度个性化的艺术典型.它改变了中国古典长篇小说人物塑造单一化、类型化、绝对化的缺陷.重点表现 元杂剧发展的原因 元杂剧的兴衰原因 元杂剧衰落的原因 古代中国戏曲主要指元杂剧和什么?能不能简单一点?我只是问古代中国戏曲主要指元杂剧和什么,把那个“什么”告诉我就行了,这是个填空——古代中国戏曲主要指元杂剧和— 与元杂剧相比,明杂剧有什么特点? 张大妈买了3包白糖2包红糖共19元,已知一包白糖比一包红糖贵0.5元,红、白糖各多少元? 英语翻译摘要:《简·爱》是一部女性主义文学经典,英国女作家夏洛蒂·勃朗特塑造了一位敢于冲破父权制社会的束缚、敢于反抗、敢于争取自由和平等的女性形象,在另一方面也不可避免出 元杂剧 知识填空作为一种新型的完整的戏剧形式,元杂剧有其自身的特点和严格的体制,形成了( ),( ),( )等有机结合的戏曲艺术形式,并且产生了( )和( )结合的,结构完整的文学剧 元杂剧《西厢记》的作者是谁? 西厢记在元杂剧中用什么地位? 元杂剧与南戏的区别论述