as mad as a door是什么意思?

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/07 21:02:15

as mad as a door是什么意思?
as mad as a door是什么意思?

as mad as a door是什么意思?
It is probably to say"The man is very very crazy"
The word "door" here is something about an ancient legend.Unfortunately I've forgot it now!
We can say "as mad as a door" is a fixed phrase which means"crazy"!It seems"door" here for the purpose of a rhyme!



是指very, very angry,非常,非常愤怒。

A teacher from Singapore,
Taught at middle school No 4.
It didn't take students long
To see something was wrong:
The man was as mad as a door!
因为 Taught at middle school No 4,
所以有了as mad as a door. mad 是疯狂的意思 和crazy近义词



夸张的手法 形容很疯狂

Taught at middle school No 4.
It didn't take students long
To see something was wrong:
The man was as mad as a door!
因为 Taught at middle school No 4,