apex of 什么意思 apex of the lung 又是什么意思?

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/04 20:41:20

apex of 什么意思 apex of the lung 又是什么意思?
apex of 什么意思 apex of the lung 又是什么意思?

apex of 什么意思 apex of the lung 又是什么意思?

apex是顶端,apex of the lung可能是指气管trachea和肺交接的地方吧

apex of 什么意思 apex of the lung 又是什么意思? high above the center ring at the extreme apex of the circus big top.一句话. Apex Solution是什么意思 APEX CAR RENTALS怎么样 赛车里面,什么叫apex点恩,f1 英语翻译机器译的不要来,We've taken the Apex Cam,the power plant behind the tournament-winning success of the Conquest Apex,and re-designed it for the Apex 7.并帮忙分析下句型,再次重申机器译的别瞎掺和,晕 那时北京正好是apex 帮我翻译下列英语单词:the king of kings,theking,the viper,the animal,sexy boy,Apex Predator?如题.一个一个单词翻译一下,谢谢了~ strategic apex 中文意思ACCA 教材F1上的....预习中....奈何看不懂 这段英文啥意思The key was to use a pulley system that would magnify the applied force.So they rigged up a tent-shaped scaffold directly above the tip of the horizontal column,with pulleys suspended from the scaffolds apex.The idea was that as APEX It's essensial that everybody books APEX flight or equivalent. 英语翻译在翻译一篇航空事故调查报告时遇到这样一句话“After reviewing four possible scenarios of how the bolt could become loose,the HCL considers it unlikely,that the APEX bolt was installed correctly during the last maintena apex 是什么意思啊?这个单词有点```难哦` 帮个忙吧 英文apex 在富井机器人看到过 什么是apex请教这该死的玩意儿到底是啥? 英语翻译一、the curve apex is to the right in thoracic region and to the left in the 二、Plans of Cassie include placing her in a Risser turnbuckle cast for a period of time and then performing a spinal fusion. superimposed on pentagon background with base coinciding with the corners of the pentagon next to its apex如何准确理解.这是一个皮带扣的检测报告.(具体到这里就是皮带扣上面的图案了)检测项目(之一)就是position of pinyin definition和chinese definition(pinyin)有什么区别?分别举个例子apex的pinyin definition和chinese definition(pinyin)分别是什么?