
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/07 15:59:51


But we, by a love so much refined
That our selves know not what it is,
Inter-assured of the mind,
Care less, eyes, lips, and hands to miss.
Our two souls therefore, which are one,
Though I must go, endure not yet
A breach, but an expansion.
A Valediction: Forbidding Mourning
by John Donne
As virtuous men pass mildly away,
And whisper to their souls to go,
Whilst some of their sad friends do say,
"The breath goes now," and some say, "No,"
So let us melt, and make no noise,
No tear-floods, nor sigh-tempests move;
'Twere profanation of our joys
To tell the laity our love.
Moving of the earth brings harms and fears,
Men reckon what it did and meant;
But trepidation of the spheres,
Though greater far, is innocent.
Dull sublunary lovers' love
(Whose soul is sense) cannot admit
Absence, because it doth remove
Those things which elemented it.
But we, by a love so much refined
That our selves know not what it is,
Inter-assured of the mind,
Care less, eyes, lips, and hands to miss.
Our two souls therefore, which are one,
Though I must go, endure not yet
A breach, but an expansion.
Like gold to airy thinness beat.
If they be two, they are two so
As stiff twin compasses are two:
Thy soul, the fixed foot, makes no show
To move, but doth, if the other do;
And though it in the center sit,
Yet when the other far doth roam,
It leans, and hearkens after it,
And grows erect, as that comes home.
Such wilt thou be to me, who must,
Like the other foot, obliquely run;
Thy firmness makes my circle just,
And makes me end where I begun.
别离辞:节哀卞之琳 译
正如德高人逝世很安然,对灵魂轻轻的说一声走,悲伤的朋友们聚在旁边,有的说断气了,有的说没有.让我们化了,一声也不作,泪浪也不翻,叹风也不兴;那是亵渎我们的欢乐——要是对俗人讲我们的爱情.地动会带来灾害和惊恐,人们估计它干什么,要怎样可是那些天体的震动,虽然大得多,什么也不伤.世俗的男女彼此的相好,(他们的灵魂是官能)就最忌别离,因为那就会取消组成爱恋的那一套东西.我们被爱情提炼得纯净,自己都不知道存什么念头互相在心灵上得到了保证,再不愁碰不到眼睛、嘴和手.两个灵魂打成了一片,虽说我得走,却并不变成破裂,而只是向外伸延,像金子打到薄薄的一层.就还算两个吧,两个却这样和一副两脚规情况相同;你的灵魂是定脚.并不像移动.另一脚一移,它也动.虽然它一直是坐在中心,可是另一个去天涯海角,它就侧了身.倾听八垠;那一个一回家,它马上挺腰.你对我就会这样子,我一生像另外那一脚,得侧身打转;你坚定,我的圆圈才会准,我才会终结在开始的地点.译诗二告别辞:莫悲伤覃学岚 译君子安详辞世的时候,会对自己的灵魂轻轻地道一声:走,有些悲伤的朋友会说:“断气了,”而有些则会说“还没有.”就让我们默哀吧,肃穆,没有泪眼汪汪,没有嚎啕大哭;把我们的爱情告诉俗人无异于对我们的欢愉进行亵渎.地震会带来恐惧与灾祸;人们把地震的后果和意义琢磨;可天体的震动是无害的,尽管它们的威力比地震大得多.月下情人之爱了无意趣,(它的灵魂是快感)不允许缺席,因为缺席就会令爱的构件四分五裂纷纷散去.而你我千锤百炼的爱情,连我们自己都说不清道不明,心有灵犀,无疑又无忧,就是不看不吻不摸也能体验.你我的灵魂已融为一体,纵然我须离去,也不必忍受别离,别离只不过是一种延伸就像将金子锻成飘逸绵绵的金丝.即便我俩的灵魂不是一体,也会像圆规的两脚那样若即若离;你的灵魂,那只固定的脚,看似不动,实则会随另一只而移.尽管它稳坐中央镇守,但是倘使另一只真要去远游,也会斜着身凝神倾听,待君归来时,才又直身相候.你对我正是这般,我定要倾身围着你转,就像另外那只脚,你的坚定成就了我的圆满使我抵达终点时又重回起点报到.译诗三赠别:禁止悲伤傅浩 译就好像德高之人安详辞世,只轻轻地对灵魂说一声:走,哪管悲哀的朋友纷纷论议,这个说断气了,那个说没有.让我们如此相融,毫不声张,不发动叹如暴风,泪似洪波;若把我们的爱情向俗人宣讲那就无异于亵渎我们的欢乐.地震造成伤害和恐慌;人们猜测它的作用和意图,可是就天穹隆的震荡虽然大得多,却毫无害处.世俗恋人的乏味爱情(其灵魂即感官)不能忍受别离,因为别离使他们丧尽那些构成爱情的元素.而我们被一种爱炼得如此精纯——自己竟然对它不知不觉——更注重彼此间心灵的证印,不沉迷于眼,唇,手的触接.所以我们的灵魂是一体浑然,虽然我必须走,灵魂却并不分裂,而只是延展,就像黄金打成透明的薄叶.即便分成两个,它们也好比圆规的一双脚紧固相连;你的灵魂,那定脚,坚定不移,但另一脚若移动,它也旋转.虽然它稳坐在中心,但另一个在外远游时,它俯身倾听它的足音;那一个回家时,它把腰挺直.你对我就将会如此,我必得像另一个脚,环行奔走;你的坚定使我的圆画得正确,使我回到起始之处结束.

Secular love is just contact with eyes, lips, hands, a separation, however, these contact interruption, love will be burnt out. And the true love is not love of the senses, as long as each other, even if the separation of the soul can one, such as gold foil, extension and continuously.

Secular love is just contact with eyes, lips, hands, a separation, however, these contact interruption, love will be burnt out. And the true love is not love of the senses, as long as each other, even...


Secular love is just contact with eyes, lips, hands, a separation, however, these contact interruption, love will be burnt out. And the true love is not love of the senses, as long as each other, even if the separation of the soul can one, such as gold foil, extension and continuously


仅供参考:Earthly love involves the mere contact of eyes, lips and hands. While such contact is susceptible to physical separation, the love that is involved is doomed. However, true love is not sensationa...


仅供参考:Earthly love involves the mere contact of eyes, lips and hands. While such contact is susceptible to physical separation, the love that is involved is doomed. However, true love is not sensational, but a union of souls that can withstand physical distance and still appeal to each other, like a golden foil which can extend itself beyond limit.


Secular love just the eyes, lips, hands touching , but a separation of these contacts is interrupted , love will burn . And true love is not sensual love , as long as each other certainly , even the soul can separate one, such as gold , to extend and continue .

  1. Secular love just involves the mere contact of eyes, lips and hands,when a separation of these contacts is interrupted , love will burn out . True love is not sensual love , as lo...


    1. Secular love just involves the mere contact of eyes, lips and hands,when a separation of these contacts is interrupted , love will burn out . True love is not sensual love , as long as you trust in each other , even if you are  separated, the soul can also be one.Just as gold ,extending and continue long.


    A worldly love is but the contact of eyes, lips and hands, it will be burnt out/off when such contacts are unavailable for bodily seperation. But, different from sensory love, a veritable love, as far...


    A worldly love is but the contact of eyes, lips and hands, it will be burnt out/off when such contacts are unavailable for bodily seperation. But, different from sensory love, a veritable love, as far as being affirmative of each other, will keep souls syncretic even when bodily seperated, and will entend and last forever as the gold foils.


英语翻译世俗之爱只是眼、唇、手的接触,一但分离,这些接触便中断,爱情也会燃尽.而真正的爱不是感官的爱,只要彼此肯定,即使分离灵魂也能合一,如金箔,延展而不断.的英文翻译我希望不要 英语翻译王子和公主过着幸福快乐的生活悠扬的歌声响起 华丽的舞蹈开场当魔王打破世俗之命争战 杀戮一场爱之追逐悄然拉开序幕 表示主人不受世俗羁绊,对世俗生活厌弃的句子是?莲之爱,同予者何人?表示主人不受世俗羁绊,对世俗生活厌弃的句子是?莲之爱,同予者何人?/象征君子的特点正直,豁达大度句子是?中通外直 英语翻译1,人生的真谛2执着3热爱4做我所爱5无畏世俗 “我只是个世俗的女人”翻译成英语 英语翻译1.虽然仪式简单,但我对你的爱不会简单.2.执子之手,与子皆老. 爱是地震中伸出的援助之手,爱是,爱是 “随世俗之波逐流” 英语翻译菊之爱;莲之爱;牡丹之爱里的之怎么讲啊? 爱是生命中最好的养料,哪怕只是一勺清水,也能使生命之树茁壮成长.仿写 为什么我手一接触东西就会被电着?包括人的手和身体部位 英语翻译办一个关于黄河手抄报的题目----爱之源头--黄河 请用英语翻译“爱之源头--黄河 ”提示:黄河---the yellow river要求:翻译灵活,不改变原意. 英语翻译其实我爱的只是我自己 英语 翻译 你现在只是用我爱你的方式爱我 英语翻译 英语翻译(那只是一个爱你的借口) 英语翻译求“遗忘之爱”的英文翻译 怎样可以很好的爱一个人,珍惜一段爱?执子之手, 英语翻译 :;爱之哲学