
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/02 11:32:07


[Open Yale course:Global Problems of.Population Growth]
About the course
This survery course introduces students to the important basic material on human fertility,population growth,the demographic transition and population policy.Topics include:the human and environmental dimensions of population pressure,demographic history,economic and cultural causes of demographic change,environmental carrying capacity and sustainability.Political,religious and ethical issues surrounding fertility are also assressed.The lectures and readings attempt to balance theoretical and demographic scale analysis with studies of individual humans and communities.The perspective is globaa with both developed and developing countries included.
Class Sessions
1.Evolution of Sex and Reproductive Strategies
2.Sex and Violence Among the Apes
3.From Ape to Human
4.When Humans Were Scarce
5.Why Is Africa Different?
6.Malthusian Times
7.Demographic Transition in Europe; Mortality Decline
8.Demographic Transition in Europe; Fertility Decline
9.Demographic Transition in Europe
10.Quantitative Aspects
11.Low Fertility in Developed Countries (Guest Lecture by Michael Teitelbaum)
12.Human and Environmental Impacts
13.Fertility Attitudes and Practices
14.Demographic Transition in Developing Countries
15.Female Disadvantage
16.Population in Traditional China
17.Population in Modern China
18.Economic Impact of Population Growth
19.Economic Motivations for Fertility
20.Teen Sexuality and Teen Pregnancy
21.Global Demography of Abortion
22.Media and the Fertility Transition in Developing Countries (Guest Lecture by William Ryerson)
23.Biology and History of Abortion
24.Population and the Environment
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About the course
This survery course introduces students to the important basic material on human fertility,population growth,the demographic transition and population policy.Topics include:the hu...


About the course
This survery course introduces students to the important basic material on human fertility,population growth,the demographic transition and population policy.Topics include:the human and environmental dimensions of population pressure,demographic history,economic and cultural causes of demographic change,environmental carrying capacity and sustainability.Political,religious and ethical issues surrounding fertility are also assressed.The lectures and readings attempt to balance theoretical and demographic scale analysis with studies of individual humans and communities.The perspective is globaa with both developed and developing countries included.
本次调查过程中向学生介绍有关人类生育的重要基本材料,人口增长,人口转变和人口政策。 主题包括:人口压力,人口历史的人类和环境方面的问题;人口变化,环境的承载能力和经济和文化的可持续发展。 政治,宗教和道德问题围绕:生育杀婴,堕胎,避孕,重男轻女,政府强制,移民和妇女地位。 这些讲座和阅读试图分析人类个体和整个社会形成的人口规模与理论上的平衡。 该观点涵盖了全球发达国家和发展中国家。 争论的原因是医疗和人口迅速增长的影响等问题。


麻烦给我一篇关于世界人口增长问题的英文作文. 求关于太湖水污染的英文报道,有看到太湖水污染英文报道的麻烦给我一篇, 英语作文 关于世界人口增长 1.世界人口增长给我们带来了许多问题,如粮食不足、失业率过高等.2.中国是一个人口大国,许多人生活在贫困线以下,3.中国应该坚持独生子女政策,控制人口增长. 关于世界人口增长的叙述正确的是( )A.发达国家的人口增长过快B.亚洲发展中国家人口增长过快C.欧美发达国家人口增长过快D.非洲人口增长过快 怎样解决世界人口增长问题 世界人口增长的特点! 世界人口增长的阶段性: 请根据以下内容提示,写一篇不少于80个词的短文.1.世界人口增长问题 坚持独生子女政策 给我一篇关于篮球的英文短文 有谁能给我一篇关于克隆的英文文章? 给我一篇关于POP MUSIC的英文介绍急, 谁能给我一篇关于爱因斯坦的英文文章? 给我一篇关于国庆节的英文日记,给我一篇关于国庆节的英文日记,还要有翻译. 目前,(是目前)世界人口增长最快的大洲是非洲还是亚洲? 请给我个权威回答! 麻烦给我推荐一本关于解密世界政治经济大事的书. 世界人口增长情况的特点 下列关于世界人口增长的叙述,错误的是A、世界人口的增长速度大体是先慢后快 B、世界人口的增长速度大体是比较均匀C、世界人口增长10亿,所用的时间越来越短 D、人口增长过快会给社会带 给一篇关于水在人们生活中重要性以及需要如何节水的英语作文100词左右,要点,缺水问题越来越严重,没有水该怎么办。原因是人口增长,工农业发现导致污染。以及该如何解决