代词专练 题 写清缘由一、both,all,neither,none,either1.---We have red and yellow T-shirt.Which color do you like better?---I’m afraid______.I think blue will be OK.2.---Which basketball player do you like best,Kobe,James or Jordan?---____

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/01 22:50:04

代词专练 题 写清缘由一、both,all,neither,none,either1.---We have red and yellow T-shirt.Which color do you like better?---I’m afraid______.I think blue will be OK.2.---Which basketball player do you like best,Kobe,James or Jordan?---____
代词专练 题 写清缘由
1.---We have red and yellow T-shirt.Which color do you like better?
---I’m afraid______.I think blue will be OK.
2.---Which basketball player do you like best,Kobe,James or Jordan?
---_____ of them.Lin Shuhao is my favorite.
3.They were very tired,but_____ of them took a rest.
4.Mum and dad are_____ movie lovers.They have many hobbies in common.
5.---Mum,I want_____of these three dresses.
---Sorry.You can only buy one of them.
6.---Are you going to Beijing by air or by train?
---______.I’m driving my car.
7.There are many trees on_____side of the road.
8.There are many trees on_____sides of the road.
二、a little,little,a few,few
1.There are_____apples at home.We have to buy some.
2.There is______ milk at home.We have to buy some.
3.There are______new words in the test,but it’s not easy to understand.
4.Roy has quite______ friends here and he often visits them.
5.---Would you like some sugar in your tea?
---Yes,please,but just______.

代词专练 题 写清缘由一、both,all,neither,none,either1.---We have red and yellow T-shirt.Which color do you like better?---I’m afraid______.I think blue will be OK.2.---Which basketball player do you like best,Kobe,James or Jordan?---____

neither   根据句意他两种颜色都不喜欢,而是喜欢蓝色.neither的意思是(两者)都不

None      根据句意他三位篮球选手都不是他的最爱,林书豪才是他最喜欢的.  none 表示(三者或更多)都不

none    他们都很累但是没有一个去休息.     选none "都不”这里从句中看不到到底是多少人,我们就按三者以上来打算,所以不能选neither.

both     爸爸妈妈都是影迷.   both(两者)都 ,符合句意.

all      根据句意:妈妈,这三条裙子我都想要.-------对不起,你只能买一条.
           all (三者或更多)都

Neither    句意:你打算坐火车还是乘飞机去北京?--------都不是,我开车去.

either    either“ 两者中任一”  第七题和第八题句意都是是街道路的两边有很多树.和第八题的区别就是此题用的是单数side,第八题是复数sides   either side (街道两边中的)任一边,either+名词单数. 

both          “两者都”  both sides 街道的两边都    both+名词复数
1.few      2 little    3 few    4 a few   5  a little
few 和 a few 修饰可数名词
 little 和 a little 修饰不可数名词
few 和 little表示否定
a few 和 a little表示肯定
4.罗伊在这里有很多朋友.     quite a few 很多( 表示肯定含义,朋友可数)
5.你想要在茶里加点糖吗?---- 好的但是只加一点点.(表示肯定,糖不可数)

代词专练 题 写清缘由一、both,all,neither,none,either1.---We have red and yellow T-shirt.Which color do you like better?---I’m afraid______.I think blue will be OK.2.---Which basketball player do you like best,Kobe,James or Jordan?---____ 如题.代词专练! 小学英语六年级代词和数词专练3请老师帮助看题,有赏金哟 小学英语六年级代词和数词专练4请老师帮助看题,有赏金哟 小刚在忘带铅笔盒,小伟及时给他一支钢笔,小刚该如何感谢?(写清原因)去过你是小刚,小伟该怎么说呢?四上课时金练P14页第5小题 如果你是小刚,小伟该怎么说呢?四上课时金练P14页第5小题 论文选题的缘由怎么写 唐人写桂林山水甲天下的缘由 小学五年级数学上册天天练34页最后一题怎么写? 小学数学天天练六年级上册第6页的最后一题怎么写 小学英语六年级代词和数词专练2请老师帮判题,有赏金哟 初一英语be动词及人称代词专练的答案啊~ 英语改错专练(只有两题)45.“Open”and“home” both have the same sound “|au|” .81.Andy is a Chinese.Carl is an English. both of A and B 这样表达有吗?both A and B .这样的用法有.both of .后面跟代词 both of us...想问下:1 both of 后面能否写,:Both of A and B ,记得好像不能吧?2 Both A and B are students.同义句型表达 除了Not only A both are right.both这里是代词么?1.both are right.both这里是代词么?2.Both he and I.这里both是什么词性? 当both作为代词时 什么时候用both of +复数名词 什么时候用代词宾格 练,没做的那一题, 一日一练口算题卡答案 除夕守岁的缘由.如题.