判断句子,正确的打(T),错误的打(F)并且写出正确句子:1.This book isn`t for my sister.2.I`m going to paint the bookcase with blue.3.What is your friend`s favourite book?4.Jim is going to turning off the stereo.5.Penny,not put

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/03 04:08:58

判断句子,正确的打(T),错误的打(F)并且写出正确句子:1.This book isn`t for my sister.2.I`m going to paint the bookcase with blue.3.What is your friend`s favourite book?4.Jim is going to turning off the stereo.5.Penny,not put
1.This book isn`t for my sister.
2.I`m going to paint the bookcase with blue.
3.What is your friend`s favourite book?
4.Jim is going to turning off the stereo.
5.Penny,not put that glass on the dressing table.
6.Are you going to put the chair in the front of the window?
7.What are you going to do with those flowers?
8.My friend is going to show me her new dress.
9.There is a soap on the cupboard.
10.Is there some milk in that bottle?

判断句子,正确的打(T),错误的打(F)并且写出正确句子:1.This book isn`t for my sister.2.I`m going to paint the bookcase with blue.3.What is your friend`s favourite book?4.Jim is going to turning off the stereo.5.Penny,not put
1.T; 2.F with---in 3.T 4.F.turning---turn 5.F not---don't 6.F in the front of---in front of 7.T.8.T.9.F a soap ---a bar of soap 10.F.some---any Good luck!

正确的打T错误的打F 判断句子,正确的打(T),错误的打(F)并且写出正确句子:1.This book isn`t for my sister.2.I`m going to paint the bookcase with blue.3.What is your friend`s favourite book?4.Jim is going to turning off the stereo.5.Penny,not put (英语)判断下列句子是否正确,对的打“√”,错的打“×”,并写出正确的句子. 判断句子的对,错对的打(T),错的打(F) 阅读对话,判断下面的句子是否正确,正确的写T,错误的写F 判断下列说法是否正确,正确的打“√”,错误的打“×” 语文判断.九、判断对错,正确的打“∨ ”,错误的打“×”. 1、《荔枝》这篇课文主要向我们诉说了过去生活的艰辛.( ) 请判断下面的句子正确(T)还是错误(F)( )3.As we are not his parents,we don’t know what to do._______ 判断题(正确的打“T”,错误的打“F”)1.光年是一种时间单位,指光传播一年所花的时间.2.世界上最大的动物是蓝鲸.3.骨骼的主要成分是钙质.4.如果你有了虫牙,即牙齿上出现小洞,就说明你 一、正确句子打T,错误的打F(并改正).The teapot is in the front of you.( )Can you find the cups in the kitchen?( )Is there some water in that bottle?( )I can see some spoons,but I can`t see any knife.( )Can you paint this bookcase for 判断,正确的写T,错误的写F cos(a-b)=(cosacosb-sinasinb)正确的打1错误的打2 三、判断题.正确的打√,错误的打 × :(每小题1分,( )1.计算机越向前发展,功重赏,还有追分! 统计学 判断题4.权数对算术平均数的影响作用取决于权数本身绝对值的大小( )正确打“√”;错误打“×” 判断,正确T,错误F 判断句子正误,正确写“T”错误写“F” 请判断下面的句子正确(T)还是错误(F),错误的请改正.( )1.Since you’re going,I will go,too.____( )2.Because he was ill,so he didn’t go to school.___ 判断下列描述,正确的打+,错误的打-,并说明判断理由.1.半坡居民再也不必经常搬家.( )______________2.河姆渡居民和半坡居民是邻居.( )______________3.南北方的饮食习惯不同早在六七年前就形成