中学英文词语连线配对(将意思和词语配对)急!a.to remove sth that blocks the progess 1.cope withb.to attend a problem or task 2.commitc.to manage sucessfully with something difficult 3.stressd.to consider that sb is respponible for

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/02 20:46:57

中学英文词语连线配对(将意思和词语配对)急!a.to remove sth that blocks the progess 1.cope withb.to attend a problem or task 2.commitc.to manage sucessfully with something difficult 3.stressd.to consider that sb is respponible for
a.to remove sth that blocks the progess 1.cope with
b.to attend a problem or task 2.commit
c.to manage sucessfully with something difficult 3.stress
d.to consider that sb is respponible for sth bad 4.depend on
e.Pressure or worry resulting from problems 5.deal with
f.To overcome sth difficult 6.blame
g.To need sb/sth for a particular purpose 7.Overcome an obstacle
h.To do sth illegal or wrong 8.tackle

中学英文词语连线配对(将意思和词语配对)急!a.to remove sth that blocks the progess 1.cope withb.to attend a problem or task 2.commitc.to manage sucessfully with something difficult 3.stressd.to consider that sb is respponible for

中学英文词语连线配对(将意思和词语配对)急!a.to remove sth that blocks the progess 1.cope withb.to attend a problem or task 2.commitc.to manage sucessfully with something difficult 3.stressd.to consider that sb is respponible for 轻舞飞扬的反义词意思是能和这个词语配对 将下列主人公和他的行为配对(连线题来的)苏秦 刺股匡衡 囊莹车胤 凿壁偷光打乱顺序的 和King配对的英文 配对 帮忙找出词语与“方格 寂寥”配对 与不耻下问配对的词语有哪些? 语笑嫣然词语和哪个词语最配对?谁能帮我想象语笑嫣然这个词语最配对的词语是什么? 词语配对改善 改进 改良 改良 和土壤 缺点 生活 技术 豆蔻是形容少女的.有没有形容少男的能和豆蔻配对的词语? 解释下列词语和配对反义词莹洁:风欺雪凌:配对反义词:珍贵——( ) 呼唤——( ) 吓唬——( )昌盛——( ) 胆怯——( ) 诠释意思星座配对 属相配对羊和马配对好吗 请帮忙将句子“设备1和设备2必须配对使用”翻译成英文, 下面词语表示的是模糊的概念,请连线配对凌晨 日出前后的一段时间拂晓 天刚亮时黎明 零时到六时的一段时间清晨 天快亮时 下面的词语表示模糊概念,请连线配对凌晨 日出前后的一段时间拂晓 天刚亮时黎明 0时到6时的一段时间清晨 天快亮时 Read and match.读一读,将问句与答句连线配对. 意思是虽然很少见,但还是有与它配对的词语这个词语需要是小学六年级人教版20课的