英语大神快戳进来,高一作业救急啊.@烔爷湖刚刚被系统封了,天哪= =10.____ it is to skate on real ice! A.what fun B.what a fun B.how a fun D.what funs 11.I remembered ____ the door

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/03 00:08:27

英语大神快戳进来,高一作业救急啊.@烔爷湖刚刚被系统封了,天哪= =10.____ it is to skate on real ice! A.what fun B.what a fun B.how a fun D.what funs 11.I remembered ____ the door
刚刚被系统封了,天哪= =
10.____ it is to skate on real ice!
A.what fun B.what a fun B.how a fun D.what funs
11.I remembered ____ the door before I left the dffice , but forgot to turn off the lights.
A. locking B.to lock C.having locked D.to have locked
12.Life here is much easier than it ____.
A.is about to B.thanks to C.used to be D.belong to
13.My first ____ of him was that he was a kind and thoughtful young man.
A.expression B.attention C.satisfaction D.impression
14.This restaurant wasn't ____ that other restaurant we went to.
A. half as good as B.as half good as C.as good as half D.good as half as
15.Hearing his travelling ____ , I knew that he was an ____ traveller.
A.experiences,experienced B.experience,experience C.experiences,experiencing D.experience,experiencing
16.—Be careful! You hair might get caught in the machine.
—Thank you. I ____ I ____ so close to it.
A.don't know,am B.haven't kown,was C.didn't know,was D.haven't known,am
17.Why haven't you sent the letter?
I ____ to, but I forgot about it.
A.liked B.wished C.meant D.expected
18.Did you drink any wine at party?
I would love ____ much, but I had a stomachache that day.
A.to drink B.to have drunk C.drinking D.having drunk
19.It is against the labour law if you are not paid for you ____ work.
A.different B.free C.average D.extra
20.Everyone in the room looked shocked—they couldn't believe what the ___ .
A.were listening to B.have been listening to C.were hearing D.have been hearing
这不仅仅是游戏.别错过机会,报名参加吧!(more than)
我认为保护环境的最佳方法是多种树.(the best way to do)

英语大神快戳进来,高一作业救急啊.@烔爷湖刚刚被系统封了,天哪= =10.____ it is to skate on real ice! A.what fun B.what a fun B.how a fun D.what funs 11.I remembered ____ the door