求一篇关于卷发的英文对话,Situation:You’d like to have your hair done for a job interview.Now you go to a hairdressing salon and you want to have a hair style that will make you look mature.Please create a dialog according to the informa

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/02 13:34:01

求一篇关于卷发的英文对话,Situation:You’d like to have your hair done for a job interview.Now you go to a hairdressing salon and you want to have a hair style that will make you look mature.Please create a dialog according to the informa
Situation:You’d like to have your hair done for a job interview.Now you go to a hairdressing salon and you want to have a hair style that will make you look mature.Please create a dialog according to the information given below in Chinese.
3.讨论烫永久性的卷发(permanent wave)还是一次性的(temporary wave)
4.最后决定烫飘逸式卷发 (suspension wrap)

求一篇关于卷发的英文对话,Situation:You’d like to have your hair done for a job interview.Now you go to a hairdressing salon and you want to have a hair style that will make you look mature.Please create a dialog according to the informa
A:Hi,MIss,may I help you?
B:Yes,I'd like to have my hair done.
A:Which kind of hair style would you like?
B:I will have a job interview and I wish you make me look mature.
A:Oh,I suggest you have your hair curled.
B:En,how many kinds of curly haie style do you have?
A:You can do permanent wave or temporary wave.
B:Do you have any pictures of hair stlye?
A:Oh,of course.Let me show you.
B:I like this one.
A:It's suspension wrap,and I think you wiil look pretty if you have your hair done like this.

求一篇初中水平的关于买东西的英文对话 求一篇关于卷发的英文对话,Situation:You’d like to have your hair done for a job interview.Now you go to a hairdressing salon and you want to have a hair style that will make you look mature.Please create a dialog according to the informa 求一篇关于节日的英语口语对话~ 求一篇关于购物的英语对话, 求一篇关于邀请的英语对话 英文应聘对话5人的急求一篇英语对话 关于应聘的 最好是五人的 急求.!谁帮我写一篇关于火灾的英文对话(要两个人的) 求一篇关于邀请参加晚宴的 英文对话不要太长 偏中长度就好 求一篇关于打篮球的简单双人英文对话,不需要很长,麻烦大家帮帮我. 求一篇关于斯皮尔伯格的3人英文对话,3分钟左右, 求一篇关于养宠物利弊关系的英文对话,口语考试需要!是要2个人的对话,需要能说上3分钟左右的对话 求一篇大学的英文对话,起码长达一分钟 求一篇英文情侣对话 有趣的··· job interview英文对话求一篇job interview 英文对话 求,一篇关于NBA球星的英文对话.最好是艾弗森!是两人的值日报告!每人10句话左右! 求一篇关于医生和病人之间的英文对话(至少十句)用点医学用语 急求一篇关于一次性塑料袋使用利弊的英文对话.要求两方持不同观点,最后意见一致 跪求一篇关于讨论是喜欢生活在大城市还是乡镇的2人英文对话,5分钟左右,