英语翻译呼噜呼噜.熊叔叔在睡懒觉.昨天,熊叔叔帮小动物们在小溪上造一座石桥,辛苦了一天,很累了呼.呼...熊叔叔睡得真香啊叮咚叮咚,熊叔叔从睡梦中惊醒哎呀,好困,是 谁吵醒我啊 ”熊叔

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/02 11:25:10

英语翻译呼噜呼噜.熊叔叔在睡懒觉.昨天,熊叔叔帮小动物们在小溪上造一座石桥,辛苦了一天,很累了呼.呼...熊叔叔睡得真香啊叮咚叮咚,熊叔叔从睡梦中惊醒哎呀,好困,是 谁吵醒我啊 ”熊叔
哎呀,好困,是 谁吵醒我啊 ”熊叔叔边打哈欠边开门
叮咚叮咚,是 熊叔叔腾地一下从沙发上站起来
这一次,门外还说什么人也没有.熊叔叔站在那里,气呼呼说:“到底是 谁在捣蛋啊 ”
熊叔叔躲在岩石后面,心想:“一定要抓住那个捣蛋的 家伙!”
熊叔叔 生日派对真热闹

英语翻译呼噜呼噜.熊叔叔在睡懒觉.昨天,熊叔叔帮小动物们在小溪上造一座石桥,辛苦了一天,很累了呼.呼...熊叔叔睡得真香啊叮咚叮咚,熊叔叔从睡梦中惊醒哎呀,好困,是 谁吵醒我啊 ”熊叔






Snore snore .... Xiong Shushu in sleep late. Yesterday, Xiong Shushu small animals to help build a stone bridge on the creek, a hard day, very tired sleep call .... call ... Xiongshu Shu Hong ah ding ...


Snore snore .... Xiong Shushu in sleep late. Yesterday, Xiong Shushu small animals to help build a stone bridge on the creek, a hard day, very tired sleep call .... call ... Xiongshu Shu Hong ah ding dong ding dong really, Who is it? Xiongshu Shu woke up Well, good storm, who wake me ah? "Xiongshu Shu side of yawning side door Huh? No one ah ..." Xiong Shushu shut the door some sleep. "Xiong Shushu climb the stairs. Ding dong ding dong, who is it? Xiongshu Shu opened the door and down the stairs Xiongshu Shu came out, he left to see the right look, but no one ah. Xiongshu Shu re-entered the house. "can not sleep." Xiong Shushu to do on the sofa with a newspaper Buzz Buzz, Who is that? Xiongshu Shu Teng to look up from the couch and pound, ran out the door. This time, outside the said What people do not. Xiongshu Shu stood and angrily said: "Who is disruptive in the end ah? "Xiong Shushu look here, look there. But, on the grass, large trees, the house next to no one. Xiongshu Shu hiding behind a rock, thinking:" We must seize the naughty guy! "Suddenly, Xiong Shushu see a large box." Who sent it? "Randy ro randy ro, Xiong Shushu pushing box whoops, wow, Xiong Shushu pulled hard box. Box filled with what? A look ...... open the package," Xiong Shushu, happy birthday! "Small animals jump out from the inside surface cried." Thank you ah! "Xiong Shushu pleased to tears, said:" I do not remember today is my birthday. "Xiong Shushu birthday party a real buzz


Snore snore .... Xiong Shushu in sleep late. Yesterday, Xiong Shushu small animals to help build a stone bridge on the creek, a hard day, very tired sleep call .... call ... Xiongshu Shu Hong ah ding ...


Snore snore .... Xiong Shushu in sleep late. Yesterday, Xiong Shushu small animals to help build a stone bridge on the creek, a hard day, very tired sleep call .... call ... Xiongshu Shu Hong ah ding dong ding dong really, Who is it? Xiongshu Shu woke up Well, good storm, who wake me ah? "Xiongshu Shu side of yawning side door Huh? No one ah ..." Xiong Shushu shut the door some sleep. "Xiong Shushu climb the stairs. Ding dong ding dong, who is it? Xiongshu Shu opened the door and down the stairs Xiongshu Shu came out, he left to see the right look, but no one ah. Xiongshu Shu re-entered the house. "can not sleep." Xiong Shushu to do on the sofa with a newspaper Buzz Buzz, Who is that? Xiongshu Shu Teng to look up from the couch and pound, ran out the door. This time, outside the said What people do not. Xiongshu Shu stood and angrily said: "Who is disruptive in the end ah? "Xiong Shushu look here, look there. But, on the grass, large trees, the house next to no one. Xiongshu Shu hiding behind a rock, thinking:" We must seize the naughty guy! "Suddenly, Xiong Shushu see a large box." Who sent it? "Randy ro randy ro, Xiong Shushu pushing box whoops, wow, Xiong Shushu pulled hard box. Box filled with what? A look ...... open the package," Xiong Shushu, happy birthday! "Small animals jump out from the inside surface cried." Thank you ah! "Xiong Shushu pleased to tears, said:" I do not remember today is my birthday. "Xiong Shushu birthday party a real buzz



英语翻译呼噜呼噜.熊叔叔在睡懒觉.昨天,熊叔叔帮小动物们在小溪上造一座石桥,辛苦了一天,很累了呼.呼...熊叔叔睡得真香啊叮咚叮咚,熊叔叔从睡梦中惊醒哎呀,好困,是 谁吵醒我啊 ”熊叔 猫发出呼噜呼噜的声音是什么意思? 猫呼噜呼噜声代表什么意思 猫科动物嘴里为什么成天呼噜呼噜响? ( )的呼噜.填词语 破折号的应用法西斯匪徒烧毁了他们的村子----所有的村民都被枪杀了.“呼噜----呼噜”的鼾声此起彼伏,想一阵阵波涛在轰鸣 如果猫在你身边很温柔的发出呼噜呼噜声,表明什么?是什么原因呢?它为什么以这样的形式来表示它的情感呢? 噜怎么组词?除了呼噜哦! 1)叽里咕噜,叽里咕噜叽里咕噜,叽里叽里咕噜!2)呼噜呼呼噜噜,呼呼呼噜噜噜,呼噜呼噜,呼噜!3)稀里哗啦,稀里稀里哗啦哗啦,稀里哗啦, 《圣诞节忆旧》阅读答案我要参加阅读大赛的比赛呀.呼噜呼噜 小猫的嗓子里发出呼噜呼噜的声音是代表什么意思啊? 猫有时候会呼噜呼噜的发出声音?是不是很舒服的意思? 谁懂温州方言?嗡列各咔俩啪呼噜困都困嗯缺 乃个白 佛大腥 改病句:1、最近以来,同学们都争做好人好事.2、大家都说,昨天的劳动是愉快的一天.填空:1、小鸡们在草坪上捉虫,晒太阳,仿佛————————2、黑色的野猪,不停地呼噜着,像是———— 英语翻译我家里养了一只猫.我发现它有两大爱好--除了偷吃就是睡觉,而且还很怕冷.一.晚我正想睡觉,忽然听见被子里传来一阵呼噜声,我揭开被子一看,原来是猫在我床上睡觉.*(注意时态) 英语翻译我家里养了一只猫.我发现它有两大爱好--除了偷吃就是睡觉,而且还很怕冷.一.晚我正想睡觉,忽然听见被子里传来一阵呼噜声,我揭开被子一看,原来是猫在我床上睡觉.*(注意时态) 家用采暖炉如何加水,现在炉子位置总有呼噜呼噜的声音 感觉是里边有气体,可是不知道怎么排出. 睡懒觉 用英语翻译