
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/08 14:49:17

关键字:现状 原因 对策

Listed companies themselves is the pursuit of maximizing the benefits of economic man,providing true and many of the listed company accounting information will not be able to keep listing qualifications or obtain a rights qualification,it is difficult to raise funds.In this case,operators will not increase the private benefits of the company,but to provide false information components,serious damage to the interests of the majority of small and medium investors,plagued throughout the health system of the market economy,including capital market development.Therefore,improving the quality of information of listed companies,for a market fair trade environment,is the top priority of China's market economic development.This article is intended primarily for the present situation of accounting information of listed companies in China,the origin of false accounting information,on the regulation of the accounting information of listed companies in China,as well as enhance the quality of accounting information of significance for research.我是用英汉互译器翻译出来的

One, the harmfulness of accounting information distortion
Accounting information is true and complete and correct the party and government's macroeconomic control decision-making, maintain normal ...


One, the harmfulness of accounting information distortion
Accounting information is true and complete and correct the party and government's macroeconomic control decision-making, maintain normal economic order, prevent political, economic and social management risk, protect the interests of the investors, creditors basic premise. False accounting information not only cover the enterprise true financial position and operating results, and become influence the social and economic order and honest construction of the important factors that have attracted attention from all sectors of society. Solve good accounting information distortion is a is the healthy development of the national economy, society whether can stable important issues. ?
Second, has the reasons of accounting information distortion 1. Accounting personnel working quality and unit chief quality of leadership needs to be improved. The quality of accounting personnel directly affect the quality of accounting information, and the overall quality of accounting personnel but is not high. On the one hand, accounting personnel's service quality is not high. A lot of employees without any accounting basis knowledge acquired through short-term training, it doesn't have the accountant from job seniority card system accountancy professional knowledge. Meanwhile accounting personnel follow-up education lack of dynamics, practitioners, difficult to adapt to the new knowledge aging accounting work requirements. On the other hand, the accountant professional morality level also is uneven, some accounting personnel of legality, ignoring professional ethics, active advice, to think of ways to provide false accounting information or of false accounting information shall not correct, leave it as it is.
Some unit chief guiding ideology is not straight, legal consciousness is not strong, to cliques or personal interests, letting the accounting personnel fraud, even compel a false accounting personnel, thus appeared the leadership, such as "pretend to fill the digital" false accounting accounting information.
2. Interest drive of the accounting information distortion is the fundamental reasons. Economically, the accounting information is between state and enterprise of redistributing income important bases, enterprise in order to maintain its own interests, the accounting information that produce favorable as much as possible. The distribution relationship between the state and enterprise, and enterprise department and the relevant departments of the distribution of interests between the irrational proportion, distortion problem is difficult to cure. In addition, the national performance evaluation system of the accounting information distortion is one important reason. Always "GuanChu digital" and "digital out official". Some units in order to pursue the so-called "performance", leading to keep seat, often through reduce cost, profit means false accounting information, so as to achieve mephistopheles its purpose.
3. Accounting regulation system is perfect for accounting information provided in machine can be faked. China's accounting regulations system construction has made some progress, but due to start later, its structure, content is still has some shortcomings, such as accounting criterion constituting lags behind, make accounting events recognition, measurement and reporting of with great elasticity, and provide an opportunity for accounting fraud. Another example of accounting policies provide enterprises with more and more wide range of options, information maker is always within a prescribed scope to its own accounting policy choice, thus making accounting information lost and objective.
4. Discreditable low cost is the accounting information distortion power. Because our country to enterprise concoct penalties for light, law enforcement is lax, does not seek to concoct poor, or the punishment for perpetuating objectively accounting fraud, China is the accounting fraud flood one important reason. Since the reform and open policy, our country the construction, strengthen the legislation in accounting regulations made great achievements, especially the accounting law of the accounting work issued by the great significance. However, some unconventional, law enforcement is lax, situations are popular, accounting regulations to violate a clampdown weak punishment enough, make, the opportunity cost of illegal is very small. Violation of the great economic or accounting regulations of the political interests and cheap opportunity cost by the formation of the strong contrast, makes some people dare to take risks, thanks, buy laws and regulations to disregard.
5. Accounting supervision system is not perfected is an important reason of the accounting information distortion. Enterprise external supervision including government auditing and social intermediary organizations audit. The government auditing refers to finance, auditing, taxation and government functional departments of audit inspection, these departments are generally to conduct special inspection, its supervision standards are inconsistent, management, plus fragmented by human, material and financial resources restriction and the limitations of its post-supervision, not from whole effectively play a supervisory role. Social intermediary organizations audit mainly refers to the accounting firm or auditor firm's audit. Part of intermediary institutions to its long-term interests, not only not strictly, instead of catering to be careful unit will, issue false accounting reports, not only not develop supervisory function, but grows false ethos.
The enterprise internal supervision including accounting its supervisory functions and unit the internal auditing department supervision. The basic function of accounting is accounting and supervision, but the current accounting personnel management way against the supervisory functions and produce fiscal accounting work in some sense is for enterprise management service, reflects the enterprise management will. Accounting personnel supervision is weakening. Similarly, the enterprise to set up internal auditing department non-existing, not perform its supervisory role.



To be listed is in itself the economic man who pursues the benefit maximization, will provide the real accounting information many To be listed to be unable to preserve the going on the market qualifi...


To be listed is in itself the economic man who pursues the benefit maximization, will provide the real accounting information many To be listed to be unable to preserve the going on the market qualifications or to obtain the share matching qualifications, will collect the fund with difficulty. In this case, company's operators will not increase the personal income, but will provide the false information ingredient, the serious damage general young investor benefit, has been puzzling our country's including capital market entire market economy system's healthy development. Therefore, improves to be listed information quality, promotes the market to form the fair deal environment, is our country economical market development urgent matter. This article mainly aims at our country To be listed accounting information the present situation, the false accounting information produces the root, to our country To be listed accounting information's supervision, as well as promotes the accounting information quality the significance to conduct the research.



英语翻译摘要:上市公司本身就是追求利益最大化的经济人,提供真实会计信息的许多上市公司将无法保住上市资格或获得配股资格,难以筹集到资金.在这种情况下,公司的经营者也不会增加私 英语翻译浅析我国上市公司会计信息失真摘要:上市公司由于其重要地位而在经济生活中起着举足轻重的作用.然而,上市公司信息质量披露存在较多问题.本文针对我国上市公司信息失真的现 英语翻译【摘要】随着全球经济一体化和市场经济的发展,风险管理已逐步引入我国企业特别是上市公司的经营管理中,风险管理的成败决定上市公司能否在复杂的市场经济环境中做大做强做 英语翻译摘要:上市公司的规范运作是证券市场稳定、持续发展的基石,而上市公司的规范运作依赖于内部控制制度的健全和有效执行.内部控制的重大缺陷决定内部控制有效性判断,是内部控 英语翻译【摘要】随着全球经济一体化和市场经济的发展,风险管理已逐步引入我国企业特别是上市公司的经营管理中,风险管理的成败决定上市公司能否在复杂的市场经济环境中做大做强做 英语翻译摘要:2006年2月财政部颁发了新的会计准则,要求2007年1月1日起在上市公司执行。其最大的变化就是全面引入了公允价值计量属性,新准则体系在金融工具、投资性房地产、非共同 正确表述了社会主义集体主义内容的有( ) 多项选择A.重视个人的正当利益B.集体利益高于个人利益C.集体利益和个人利益是相互依赖、辩证统一的D.个人本身就是目的,具有最高价值,集体只是 哪位高手帮忙翻译一下英文摘要(不要在线翻译)谢谢!当今公司治理的焦点已经集中在大股东与中小股东的利益矛盾上.在我国上市公司中,由于国有股“一股独大”特殊股权结构的存在,大股 英语翻译我国航空上市公司盈利质量分析! 英语翻译请问上市公司翻成英文是什么? 英语翻译试论上市公司会计信息披露 英语翻译企业是社会的重要组成部分,企业在追求利益的同时也应为社会做出贡献,不能片面的只追求企业自身利益就投资者而言,富士康是以营利为目的的,就应当追求利益的最大化,就 英语翻译摘要《企业会计制度》、《金融企业会计制度》的颁布实施和中国会计准则体系的逐步完善,稳健原则深入到了中国上市公司财务会计的各个方面.本文通过论述稳健原则具体表现、 英语翻译摘要本文对股权激励制度的理论基础进行详细的阐述,运用文献分析法、文本细读发、比较法和综合分析法,了解国内外非上市公司股权激励的发展历史和现状,结合我国国情,剖析制约 英语翻译盈余管理是企业管理当局在遵循会计准则的基础上,通过对企业对外报告的会计收益信息进行控制或调整,以达到主体自身利益最大化的行为.然而随着近年来我国上市公司的大量涌现, 英语翻译摘要 股价的本质由上市公司的实际投资价值决定的,但同时也会受到各种因素的影响,例如证券市场结构,政策因素,资源优化配置等.本文运用低碳经济类上市公司的57家公司在2011年6月 英语翻译论文摘要 英语翻译会计英语摘要