英语语法!额外加100分!of on in for were did to it 各在什么地方用?我再问一下:were you at home last saturday 干嘛不用did开头呢?非要用were 还有:did you go there by bike?干嘛不用were开头呢?这两句主语都是yo

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/04 06:47:20

英语语法!额外加100分!of on in for were did to it 各在什么地方用?我再问一下:were you at home last saturday 干嘛不用did开头呢?非要用were 还有:did you go there by bike?干嘛不用were开头呢?这两句主语都是yo
of on in for were did to it 各在什么地方用?
我再问一下:were you at home last saturday
还有:did you go there by bike?

英语语法!额外加100分!of on in for were did to it 各在什么地方用?我再问一下:were you at home last saturday 干嘛不用did开头呢?非要用were 还有:did you go there by bike?干嘛不用were开头呢?这两句主语都是yo
of:的,之,所属...She's one of my friends.
on:在..之上,与..相关 Books are on the table.
in:在..里面,在..范围内 My father works in a fctory.
for:为了..,...的 I cried for the match yesterday.
They were classmates 3 years ago.
did:do的过去分词,意思是做,干.I didn't water the flowers yesterday.
were you at home last saturday
在表述位置时,结构应为 名词+谓语+介词+宾语
比如 she is in the classroom.介词前谓语必须是 am is are 或它们的不同时态 比如was和were 不能是do或did这类实意动词
did you go there by bike?
这里实际有含义的动词是go,而且是一般过去式,像 I didn't know you一样.这里did是助词,如果由were引导,就变成过去进行式,比如
were you going there?

英语语法!额外加100分!of on in for were did to it 各在什么地方用?我再问一下:were you at home last saturday 干嘛不用did开头呢?非要用were 还有:did you go there by bike?干嘛不用were开头呢?这两句主语都是yo 英语翻译今天下午五点之前给答案的额外加100分 on behalf of 怎么用?I on behalf of myself. 需要加be动词吗? 高中英语语法,介词短语作宾补I hear the lift is out of order.为什么加is?介词短语不是作宾补吗? 英语语法问题,牛人进比如说 I play basketball on gym 这里 on gym 的on 能去掉吗那么这句 This kind of plant grows well where there is enough water and sunlight在这里 为什么不在 where 前加介词 i impressed on him the importance of his work...impressed 是及物动词,为什么要加on 英语翻译Effect of ultrasonic vibration of tool on electrical dischargemachining of cemented tungsten carbide (WC-Co)超声振动加工硬质合金对刀具产生的影响(以碳化钨钴为例)希望详解,有额外送分 谁想要分?100分,额外加50!要就赶紧来吧!按数顺序,给第一个!反正这东西也买不了宝马奔驰! 额外送分 英语语法里面,be和of中间可以加什么 绿野仙踪主要内容 100到150字 悬赏不够额外加! 一道高中英语语法I have an appointment on ____ of June at three o’clockA.fifthB.the fiveC.the fifthD.five请问为什么选D不选C 吃什么东西可以分解肌肉或肌肉里的蛋白质?RT真能回答我会额外加100分 multisim FWB的全桥整流电压不对,同样一个电源,用全桥就不行,用四个整流管就没问题,为啥?解释清楚了额外加100分. 比13分之31小的最大整数是多少?会加额外分哦 哈哈镜成像原理或光路图急用!要图.有光路图额外加30分 好的额外加5分,但是每题都要有过程哦 英语语法问题:A large 后面可以加quantity of ,能不能加number of?