这是什么结构for the nicest of reasonsbecause they may be that way for the nicest of resons.for the nicest of resons这个结构没见过 谁能帮忙解释一下吗?谢谢

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/04 16:03:24

这是什么结构for the nicest of reasonsbecause they may be that way for the nicest of resons.for the nicest of resons这个结构没见过 谁能帮忙解释一下吗?谢谢
这是什么结构for the nicest of reasons
because they may be that way for the nicest of resons.
for the nicest of resons这个结构没见过 谁能帮忙解释一下吗?谢谢

这是什么结构for the nicest of reasonsbecause they may be that way for the nicest of resons.for the nicest of resons这个结构没见过 谁能帮忙解释一下吗?谢谢
for the nicest of resons..
you should never be too impressed by people with good manners,
they are the ones who will give a friendly wave even when they've stolen from you;they're the type to sweetly welcome you,even as they try to uncover your secrets;they're the kind to offer you coffee,even as they report you to the police;and don't be too offended by someone who's openly rude,because they may be that way for the nicest of reasons
所谓礼多人不怪,但你不知道的是, 虽然他们总是和气的招手,背地里却偷你的东西,他们总是很甜蜜地欢迎这你,转身却搜刮吗你的秘密;他们好心地递给你咖啡,一边却在向警方报案;所以别太计较那些当面和你翻脸的人,因为他们正是以这种方式,来表达对你最诚挚的友好!