
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/07 01:18:30


According to Chinese customs regulations,only the total value of the goods must be just 1200 euros that the customs clearance can be completed smoothly
Otherwise we will be unable to clear customs,please redistribute the value of the goods ,for which I apologize sincerely,but we can do nothing but this.

According to the regulations of Chinese Customs,only total value of your goods is exactly € 1200 ,can you successfully complete customs clearance. which otherwise we won't be able to complete , So please redistribute the value of your goods, for which I apologize deeply, but
we can do nothing but this.

的纯粹是翻译软件弄的。以下是我翻译的,可能会有错误,很粗糙,见谅. A earthquake occured in Sichuan province, China in May 12th, 2008, which

according to Chinese Customs Regulation ,your goods total value must be exactly € 1,200 then can be clearence successfully. otherwise we just waiting there.
i am so sorry about this happene...


according to Chinese Customs Regulation ,your goods total value must be exactly € 1,200 then can be clearence successfully. otherwise we just waiting there.
i am so sorry about this happened but hope you kindly understand that we just obey the laws . also pls kindly re-distribution of your goods value. thank you so much .


According to Chinese customs regulations,the total value of the goods must be exact € 1,200 to process the customs clearance.Otherwise we won't be able to clear customs.
Please redistribute the value of goods, we apologize for the inconvenience but there is nothing we can do.

英语翻译根据中国海关的规定您货物的总价值必须正好1200欧元才能顺利清关完成否则我们将无法进行清关,请您再次分配您货物的各项价值,对此我深表歉意但是我们也无能为力 翻译英语中国海关的高科技产品可以帮助海关人员清楚地看到货柜里面的货物 英语翻译I have attached photos of some extra pieces to do (ORDER 5) so can you do them and send them too?如上请翻译或请问some extra pieces to 【手工译文】 3.中国海关很快就会发出订单3下的装箱货物,所以您是否 中国海关的商检报告单用英语怎么说?急等! 掌握中国海关大权达40余年的英国人是? 英语翻译1.我想中国海关正被一大堆的奶粉整的够呛.而我们也面临着和中国海关相同的处境.不过我猜,你也是.(如果觉得有点难翻译的话,翻译成我想中国海关已经因为一大堆奶粉疯了,而我 英语翻译需翻译的内容:我是中国的用户,我想购买的商品是奶粉,而中国海关对个人奶粉入关的规定是商品价值不能超过¥1000.如果邮包中不包含购物发票的话将按照一罐奶粉¥200的完税价计 问:三批货物总价值152万元,第一二三批货物的重量比是2:4:3单位重量的价格比为6:5:2三批货物各值多少万元 1根据《增值税暂行条例》的规定,下列各项中,视同销售货物计算缴纳增值税的有().A销售代销货物 B将货物交付他人代销C将自产货物分配给股东 D将自产货物用于集体福利2根据《增值税暂 一种进口货物,总价值240万元,其中40%的货款应按税率18%征收进口税,其余按15%征收进口税,这种货物共应收进口税多少万元? 根据营业税法律制度的规定,下列各项中,不属于营业税征税范围的是A.销售不动产B.转让无形资产C.提供运输劳务D.销售货物 中国海关的标志中,“国”和“关”两个字为什么用繁体字呢?纯属个人疑问~ 掌握中国海关管理权长大40余年的国家是哪个国家 英语翻译标记为红色字体的货物描述是我根据你的意思修改的,请最终确认。 【例题•单选题】根据规定,下列各项中,应视同销售货物行为征收增值税的是( ).A.生产领用购买的货物   B.将自产货物销售给子公司   C.邮政局出售集邮商品  D.将生产的货物 英语翻译在规定的折扣范围内,根据价格来决定折扣 英语翻译没有具体规定吗?那教给别人时根据不同的情景来说了, 价值两百万的货物,英语翻译