SAT 难句分析.(简要的说就是几个句子不懂)on the set,I met the two Asian American actors hired to play me:not only were they older than I,they were World Miss material.The available selection of Asian actors must have been as sparse

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/04 13:37:59

SAT 难句分析.(简要的说就是几个句子不懂)on the set,I met the two Asian American actors hired to play me:not only were they older than I,they were World Miss material.The available selection of Asian actors must have been as sparse
SAT 难句分析.(简要的说就是几个句子不懂)
on the set,I met the two Asian American actors hired to play me:not only were they older than I,they were World Miss material.The available selection of Asian actors must have been as sparse as the roles available for them to play.(出自真题200801色section5)这几句话是什么意思?

SAT 难句分析.(简要的说就是几个句子不懂)on the set,I met the two Asian American actors hired to play me:not only were they older than I,they were World Miss material.The available selection of Asian actors must have been as sparse

SAT 难句分析.(简要的说就是几个句子不懂)on the set,I met the two Asian American actors hired to play me:not only were they older than I,they were World Miss material.The available selection of Asian actors must have been as sparse sat 难句Of that of which nothing in known nothing can be said.求怎么分析这句句子 养花重点句子分析给出几个重点句,然后分析, 孔子劝学中比喻说里的句子,是哪句?并就其中的谈话技巧进行简要分析 诗经氓中的比兴手法的句子,并简要分析 春天的句子说几个 春之怀古 散文阅读有抓闻言之说,通读全文,你认为本文的文眼是那段中的哪个句子?并对此作简要分析 急 一般等价物就是货币,货币就是一般等价物.请运用所学的知识简要分析上述观点. 今年过节不收礼,收礼只收脑白金这句广告词从语言表达看有没有毛病,请作简要分析有人说:今年过节不收礼,收礼只收脑白金这句广告词不是病句,它是一种名为舛互的修辞格.这种句子还 用层次分析法分析这个句子的句法结构:“具体过程我也不清楚”(左边的就是句子,不是说我不清楚) 简要分析盐场建设的区位因素.简要分析. 简要分析我国渔业发达的原因.是简要分析! 简要分析下电子示波器由哪几个部分组成?各部分的作用是什么? 指出我国人口增长的几个主要阶段并简要分析原因拜托各位了 3Q 我的邻居吴冠中11.吴老的住房有什么特点?请用简要的语言概括回答.(4分)12.分析下列句子所蕴含的思想感情.(4分)(1)他搀扶着她,缓缓地,一步一步.(2)他不动声色,然后说了句:“ 简要分析王东亭的形象? 简要分析‘蓑笠翁’的形象? 简要分析六发论的主要内容