查初一三个单词用法look atgroupcool三个单词的用法 涉及到的短语早上就要

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查初一三个单词用法look atgroupcool三个单词的用法 涉及到的短语早上就要
look at
三个单词的用法 涉及到的短语

查初一三个单词用法look atgroupcool三个单词的用法 涉及到的短语早上就要
look at:看,朝…看;看待;考虑,研究
number of people or things gathered, placed or acting together, or naturally associated 群; 团体; 组; 类: a group of girls, trees, houses, etc 一群女孩子、 一片树林、 一片房子 * A group of us are going up to London for the day. 我们有些人要去伦敦一天. * people standing about in groups 一群一群在各处站着的人 * an `age group, ie people of the same age 年龄组(年龄相同的人) * Our di`scussion group is/are meeting this week. 我们的讨论小组本周开会. * a `drama group, ie small club for acting 戏剧小组 * the Germanic group of languages 日耳曼语系 * What `blood group are you? 你是什麽血型? * [attrib 作定语] a group ac`tivity, ie done by people in a group 集体活动.
set of jointly-controlled business companies, eg as the result of a merger (公司联营的)集团: a `newspaper group 报业集团 * the `Burton Group 伯顿集团 * [attrib 作定语] the group sales director 集团的销售董事.
set of musicians performing pop music together 流行音乐的乐团.
> group v [I, Ipr, Ip, Tn, Tn.pr, Tn.p] ~ (sb/sth) (round sb/sth); ~ (sb/sth) (together) gather or form (sb/sth) into a group or groups 使(某人[某事物])集合、 聚集、 成群、 成组或归类: The police grouped (themselves) round the demonstrators. 警察围聚在示威者的四周. * Group together in fours! 每四人一组!
groupie / ˈgruːpɪ; ˋɡrupɪ/ n (infml 口) keen supporter (esp a young girl) who follows pop groups to concerts given on tour (在流行音乐乐团巡回演出时到处尾随的)歌迷(尤指少女).
grouping n set of individuals with sth in common, esp acting together within a larger organization 小集团(尤指大组织中行动一致的): various anti-leadership groupings within the party 党内形形色色的反领导小集团.
# `group captain officer in the British air force between the ranks of wing commander and air commodore (英国)空军上校. =>App 9 见附录9.
group practice set of doctors who work jointly, use the same premises, etc 集体开业.
,group `therapy form of treatment in which people with similar psychological problems meet together to discuss them 集体疗法(使有同一心理症状的病人在一起讨论病情的方法).
(a) fairly cold; not hot or warm 凉的; 不热的: a cool breeze, day, surface 凉爽的微风、 一天、 表面 * cool autumn weather 秋凉天气 * Let's sit in the shade and keep cool. 咱们坐在荫凉处乘乘凉吧. * The coffee's not cool enough to drink. 咖啡还不够凉, 不能喝. (b) giving a (usu pleasant) feeling of being not too warm 凉快的; 凉爽的: a cool room, dress, etc 凉爽的房间、 连衣裙等 * a cool cotton shirt 凉快的棉布衬衫. (c) (of colours) suggesting coolness (指颜色)给人以凉爽感觉的, 冷色的: a room painted in cool greens and blues 涂上能给人以凉爽感觉的绿色和蓝色的房间.
calm; unexcited 冷静的; 镇定的: Keep cool! 保持冷静! * She always remains cool, calm and collected in a crisis. 她在危难中总能保持冷静、 平静和镇静. * He has a cool head, ie doesn't get agitated. 他头脑冷静(不易冲动).
~ (about sth); ~ (towards sb) not showing interest, enthusiasm or friendliness 冷淡的; 冷漠的; 冷冰冰的: She was decidedly cool about the proposal. 她对这个提议漠然置之. * They gave the Prime Minister a cool reception. 他们很冷淡地接待了这位首相.
calmly bold or impudent 满不在乎的; 厚颜无耻的: You should have seen the cool way she took my radio without even asking. 你没瞧见她那满不在乎的样子, 连问也不问就把我的收音机拿走了.
[attrib 作定语] (infml 口) (said esp of sums of money, distances, etc, emphasizing their largeness 附加於钱、 距离等数目之 前以强调其数目之大): The car cost a cool twenty thousand. 这辆汽车足足两万元.
(dated sl 旧, 俚 esp US) pleasant; fine 令人愉快的; 棒的: Her guy's real cool. 她的男朋友真帅.
(idm 习语) (as) ,cool as a `cucumber very calm and controlled, esp in difficult circumstances (尤指在困难情况下)从容不迫的; 泰然自若的. a cool `customer (infml 口) calmly bold or impudent person 行若无事的人; 无耻之徒: She just took out her purse and paid a thousand in cash: what a cool customer! 她从容地掏出钱夹付了一千镑现金, 多麽豪爽! play it `cool (infml 口) deal calmly with a situation; not get excited 泰然处之.
> cool n
1 the cool [sing] cool air or place; coolness 凉爽的空气或地方; 凉快: step out of the sun into the cool 到荫凉处去躲避烈日 * the pleasant cool of the evening 傍晚时的凉爽宜人.
2 (idm 习语) keep/lose one's cool (infml 口) remain calm/get excited, angry, etc 保持冷静[情不自禁、 怒不可遏]等.
coolly / ˈkuːllɪ; ˋkullɪ/ adv in a cool1(3) way 冷淡地; 冷漠地; 冷冰冰地: He received my suggestion coolly, ie unenthusiastically. 他对待我的建议十分冷淡.
coolness n [U] quality of being cool1(3) 冷淡; 冷漠; 冷冰冰: I noticed a certain coolness (ie lack of friendliness) between them. 我察觉到他们彼此有些冷淡.
# ,cool-`headed adj calm; not flustered or excitable 头脑冷静的; 不慌不忙的. cool 2
/ kuːl; kul/ v
[I, Ip, Tn, Tn.p] ~ (sth/sb) (down/off) become or make cool or cooler (使)变凉: The hot metal contracts as it cools (down). 热的金属一冷(下来)就收缩. * Let the hot pie cool (off) before serving. 热馅饼凉了再吃. * A cooling drink is welcome on a hot day. 在热天清凉饮料很受欢迎. * (fig 比喻) Her unresponsiveness failed to cool his ardour. 她对他无动於衷, 这并未能冷却他的感情.
(idm 习语) `cool it (sl 俚) calm down 冷静下来: Cool it! Don't get so excited! 静一静吧! 别那麽激动! ,cool one's `heels be kept waiting 等下去: Let him cool his heels for a while: that'll teach him to be impolite. 让他等一会儿吧, 好教训教训他别那麽没礼貌.
(phr v) cool (sb) down/off (cause sb to) become calm, less excited or less enthusiastic (使某人)冷静、 镇静或降低热情: She's very angry; don't speak to her until she's cooled down a bit. 她气极了, 等她消消气再跟她说