几道英语选择题,求解析区别~—So you missed the lecture given by the famous professor.— . I got there 10 minutes before it finished. A.Not exactly.B.Not really—Who will you to do it?— fits for the position

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/06/28 04:14:17

几道英语选择题,求解析区别~—So you missed the lecture given by the famous professor.— . I got there 10 minutes before it finished. A.Not exactly.B.Not really—Who will you to do it?— fits for the position
—So you missed the lecture given by the famous professor.
— . I got there 10 minutes before it finished.
A.Not exactly.B.Not really
—Who will you to do it?
— fits for the position.
A.suggest; The one who\x05B.get; Whoever
It’s really cold here. I have never experienced such terrible weather in my life.
—Mum, I’ve been doing my homework for two hours. I play computer games for an hour?
—No, I’m afraid not. You’d better go out for a walk. It does good to your eyes.
A.Can’t B.May not
—What do you think of your trip to Yunnan?
—I really enjoy it. I didn’t expect it was wonderful.
求区别 每个选项

几道英语选择题,求解析区别~—So you missed the lecture given by the famous professor.— . I got there 10 minutes before it finished. A.Not exactly.B.Not really—Who will you to do it?— fits for the position
1. A
◇not exactly的口语用法
1. 表示轻微的否定,意为“不很”.如:
He’s not exactly stupid, but he’s too lazy. 他不很蠢,但他太懒了.
He’s not exactly angry—he’s just acting. 他倒不是真生气——只是装装样子罢了.
2. 表示不完全否定,意为“不完全是”“不完全如此”“不全对”. 如:
A:Do you mean to say he’ll refuse us? 你的意思是说他会拒绝我们?
B:Not exactly.不完全如此.
A:So you missed the meeting. 所以你就错过了这次会议.
B:Not exactly. I got there five minutes before it finished.
不完全是这样, 我在散会前五分钟赶到了那儿.
◇not really的口语用法
1. 表示轻微的否定,意为“不很”.如:
A:Are you busy now? 你现在忙吗?
B:Oh, not really. Why? 哦,不怎么忙,有什么事?
A:Do you want to come along? 你想同我们一起去吗?
B:Not really. 不很想去.
A:He tried to explain it to me but I justcouldn’t understand. Do you?
B:Not really. 不很懂.
2. 表示怀疑或不相信,意为“不会吧”“不见得”“不会是真的吧”.如:
A:He’s leaving tomorrow. 他明天就要走了.
B:Not really. 不会吧.
A:They got married last month. 他们上个月结婚了.
B:Not really. 不会是真的吧
3. 表示语气很强的否定,意为“真的没有”“的确没有”.如:
A:Did you watch the news on TV last night? 你昨天晚上看电视新闻了吗?
B:Not really. 确实没有.
2. B
没有 suggest sb to do sth的用法,用排除法,可以选择 B
get sb to do sth 让某人做某事
3. B
【选项】A full 全部的 B entire 整个的 C complete 完整的 D total 总共的
【解释】in one's entire life 词组:在某人的一生中
如:In my entire life, I have never said to anyone, 'I love you.
4. A
【解释】may not 的意思是“可能不”,不符合题意.
5. B
【解释】这里可以理解为"I didn't expect it was as wonderful (as I thought)"
没有比较的含义,所以不用more wonderful

A.Not exactly 不确切
B.not really 不是真的
suggest doing
suggest that (should) do
没有suggest to do 这个搭配
in one's entire life 在……的一...


A.Not exactly 不确切
B.not really 不是真的
suggest doing
suggest that (should) do
没有suggest to do 这个搭配
in one's entire life 在……的一生中,固定搭配,记住就可以了
full一般出现在词组full of 中
can't 不能 may not 可能不


Not exactly :1. [口语、讽刺语]并不,根本不;并没有;未必见得2. 不完全
Not really :不完全是;不见得 答案为B
第二个 也是B suggest 没有这种用法 具体可百度suggest
Entire可由具体的有抽象的两种意义,形容一种物质的、数目的、时间性的,或品质上的实体例如:[The entire country was aff...


Not exactly :1. [口语、讽刺语]并不,根本不;并没有;未必见得2. 不完全
Not really :不完全是;不见得 答案为B
第二个 也是B suggest 没有这种用法 具体可百度suggest
Entire可由具体的有抽象的两种意义,形容一种物质的、数目的、时间性的,或品质上的实体例如:[The entire country was affected by drought(全国受到了旱灾影响);The entire cast was present for dress rehearsal(全体演员出场参加彩排);The entire day was ruined(一整天糟蹋了)
Complete要点在于指一切必需或正规的部分完整无缺,total则只暗示一个可计量的总体。二字均描写一个集体的实体。例如:a complete set of dishes(一整套的盘子);the complete works of Shakespeare(莎士比亚全集);his total earning for 1968(他一九六八年的全部收入).但total涉及对存在的whole的大学之精确估计;不管total数量或数目将会有加有减,但仍是个total数目,只要它包括一切而且准确无讹就行。Complete对比之下,表示完全或完整,暗示已到达某一标准或一达成某一目标。例如:[The total number of jurors selected so far is nine, but the jury is not yet complete(迄今选得的陪审员共九位,但陪审团尚未完整).]在抽象意义中,此二字是相近得多的同义字,表示无例外保留的包括一切。例如:total(or complete)destruction(彻底破坏);a total(or complete)commitment(完全承诺).二者有时与entire交换使用。例如:He has entire(or total or complete)control of the business(他对业务有完全的支配权).
Full着重内容。在最具体的意义中,表示一个容器已装满其所能容纳的数量。例如:to drink a full (or a whole)cup of coffee(喝一满杯咖啡);a glass full of water(一满杯水).和complete一样,这字可强调一切部分之齐全。例如:a full dozen(整整一打).也描写大小、程度、限度等之罪大额。例如:a full moon as opposed to a crescent(与新月相反的满月);a full load(最大负荷量);full speed ahead(全速前进).Full与whole,entire及complete意义相近,都表示一件事物毫无不足或省略隐瞒的情形。读一门full课程,即是读一门complete或whole课程,但其他各字在形容绝对的或无限的事情上则比较强有力。例如:[You have my entire confidence(我对你完全信任);I have complete(or total or full)confidence in you(我对你完全信任).]
may not---- 也许不(推测时不太有把握)can't ------不可能(推测时很有把握)
I didn’t expect it was more wonderful not .more... 句式
