( )what a beautiful song!i'm sorry.i can't ( ) anythinga listening,hearingb listen,hearc listen,hearingd listened,hear为什么?

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/04 09:22:41

( )what a beautiful song!i'm sorry.i can't ( ) anythinga listening,hearingb listen,hearc listen,hearingd listened,hear为什么?
( )what a beautiful song!i'm sorry.i can't ( ) anything
a listening,hearing
b listen,hear
c listen,hearing
d listened,hear

( )what a beautiful song!i'm sorry.i can't ( ) anythinga listening,hearingb listen,hearc listen,hearingd listened,hear为什么?
hear 与 listen 这两个词都是动词,都有“听”的意思.但意思有区别,用法也不同.
hear 是及物动词,表示“听见”强调听到的结果,可能是有意识的听,也可能是无意误解听.
Louder ,please ,I can’t hear you .
We heard someone laughing in the next room .
hear 还可作不及物动词,后接 of ( about ) 表示“听别人说” ( 指间接听到 ) ;
后接from 意 思是“收到 ( 某人 ) 的来信”.如:
I have never heard of such a thing .我从未听说过这种事.
Have you still not heard from him 你还没有收到的来信吗
listen 是不及物动词,表示有意识或注意地“听”,强调听这个动作,并不说明是否听见的结果;
必须加 to 才能接宾语.如:
He often listens to news on radio .
I listened but heard nothing .我注意听了,但什么也没听见.