小学英语补充句子1.__________________________Yes he s strict,but he s kind2._____________________________It s Sunday3.____________________________I often do home work on sundays4.What s your favourite food_____________________________5.What do

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/04 07:26:55

小学英语补充句子1.__________________________Yes he s strict,but he s kind2._____________________________It s Sunday3.____________________________I often do home work on sundays4.What s your favourite food_____________________________5.What do
Yes he s strict,but he s kind
It s Sunday
I often do home work on sundays
4.What s your favourite food
5.What do you have for lunch today

小学英语补充句子1.__________________________Yes he s strict,but he s kind2._____________________________It s Sunday3.____________________________I often do home work on sundays4.What s your favourite food_____________________________5.What do
1.Is he strict?
2.What day is today?
3.When do you do homework?
4.My favourite food is fruit salad.
5.I had fried rice for lunch today.

把句子补充完整:1.我累的__________.2.太阳光芒四射,亮得_____________. 小学英语句子 ______是__________的故乡.把句子补充完整 把句子补充完整.人们在这__________面前,_________. 我心里甜滋滋的,像______,__________!(补充句子) 运用拟人的修辞手法把下列句子补充完整 1.月亮_______________进了云层.2.群山在__________,河水在__________3.秋天,高粱__________,稻子__________,棉花__________,一派丰收的景象 小学英语--写出下面句子的同义词.1.It's time for bed now.It's time __________ ____________ _____________ bed.2.Shenzhen is the youngest city in Guangdong province.Shenzhen is __________ then ___________ ____________ city in Guangdong prov ·小学英语--写出下面句子的同义句(一题)1.My mother always does some reading in her spare time.My mother always does some reading when she __________ __________. 牛津小学英语补充习题 unit2 把句子补充完整,使句子成为拟人句1菊花__________篱笆2黄昏__________村庄3阳光__________大海 根据中文意思,把句子补充完整.1.__________ (我的) sister is going to give __________ (他) a dictionary.2.__________ (我们) lived with __________ (我们的) grandparents ten years ago.3.__________ (他的) house is beautiful,but _____ 补充完整谚语1.读万卷书,__________.2.海内存知己,__________.3.千里之行,__________.4.只要工夫深,__________.5.读书破万卷,__________.6.瓜熟蒂落,__________.7.台上三分钟,__________.8.欲知山中事,__________.9.少壮 小学英语句子大全 小学英语改句子 小学英语改句子 小学英语怎样改写句子 小学英语如何教句子 补充下列句子.1.远远的街灯明了,好像________.天上的明星现了,好像_______.2.怕会有鲛人在岸,__________.