we were deeply impressed by what the little boy had done请讲一下这道题的语法?by

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/03 10:17:42

we were deeply impressed by what the little boy had done请讲一下这道题的语法?by
we were deeply impressed by what the little boy had done请讲一下这道题的语法?by

we were deeply impressed by what the little boy had done请讲一下这道题的语法?by
impress sb = 给他人留下深刻的印
impressed by sb = (被他人)留下深刻的印象,即他人给我留下很深刻的印象
what the little boy had done = 那个小孩所做的事
we were deeply impressed by what the little boy had done

by 介词 表示 被 的意思

可以记住be impressed by 被....所感动