几道高二下英语选择题1、Some people think that online learning can't allow teachers to find out exactly what struggling students are having difficulty ____ .A.to B.in C.with D./ 我选B 答案C不是说have difficulty in doing sth吗为什

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/03 01:03:58

几道高二下英语选择题1、Some people think that online learning can't allow teachers to find out exactly what struggling students are having difficulty ____ .A.to B.in C.with D./ 我选B 答案C不是说have difficulty in doing sth吗为什
1、Some people think that online learning can't allow teachers to find out exactly what struggling students are having difficulty ____ .
A.to B.in C.with D./ 我选B 答案C
不是说have difficulty in doing sth吗为什么是with...
2、He made it in the end, but he didn't explain to us what great difficulty he had had ____ the problems.
A.working out B.to work out C.work out D.worked out 我选B答案A
3、Mary is said ____ in the supermarket for 5 years, but I don't know why she resigned last month.
A.to have been working B.to work C.to be working D.to have worked 我在AD之间徘徊了N久……最后还是选了A结果答案是D……
4、As the boy listened attentively in class, everything his teacher said was easily ____.
A.for him to understand B.understood C.to understand D.to be understood
5、-Mary, what do you think of the girl's new dress?
-Very beautiful! I have been dreaming of having the same dress ____ she is wearing.
A.that B.which C.as D.like 我选A答案C 这这这定语从句不行吗!
6、I'd like to be surrounded by hills and streams. They're so much better ____ than concrete, rows of parked cars and tall buildings.
A.being looked at B.to look at C.to be looked at D.looking at
7、-I'd like to have a piece of bread and two eggs.
-Anything ____ ?
A.following B.follows C.to follow D.to be followed

几道高二下英语选择题1、Some people think that online learning can't allow teachers to find out exactly what struggling students are having difficulty ____ .A.to B.in C.with D./ 我选B 答案C不是说have difficulty in doing sth吗为什
1.have difficulty in doing sth :have difficulty in learning English
或者:have difficulty with sth(with +名词) have difficulty with English; 此句中 what struggling students are having difficulty with ( =struggling students are having difficulty with what .struggling students 现在分词修饰students 意思为:在挣扎的学生们/纠结在难点处的学生们.
2.made it in the end (=succeed in the end 最后成功了)didn't explain to us 没向我们解释
what difficulty he had had working out the problems (have difficulty doing sth句型,此处用了过去完成时had had difficulty doing sth.working out the problems :work out 是个词组,表示:弄明白,计算出,解决,
had had difficulty working out ...之所以用过去完成时,是因为“经历艰辛解决问题”发生在explained (过去时)之前.
3.Mary is said to have worked in the supermarket for 5 years.表示:据说Mary 过去曾经在超市工作过5年.is said+to have done(不定式的完成形式)意思为:据说某人曾经干过什么/ 据说某人已经干了什么.例如:Peter is said to have studied in France for three years..据说Peter曾经(以前)在法国学习过三年.He is said to have invented the first iphone.据说是他当初发明的第一个iphone 手机.又如:Peter is said to have left China.据说Peter已经离开了中国.
.is said to have been doing 的意思是:据说某人一直在做某事;因此答案A的意思是:据说Mary到现在一直在超市工作,已经有5年时间了(后面的句子又说“她上个月辞职了”,所以A不对.)
4.Everything his teach said was easily understood.(= Everything that his teacher said was easily understood.句子的主干为Everything was easily understood.是被动语态的句子,不能用不定式;his teacher said 是定语从句,定everything.
5.the same as 是固定搭配,表示:与...相同 the same dress as she is wearing 与她穿的裙子
样式相同的裙子.the same that.也有此种搭配,意思是:同一个 the same dress that she is wearing 的意思是:她身上穿的那条裙子(而不是:与她的裙子相同的裙子)
例如:I will buy the same dress as she is wearing.我要买条和她穿的相同的裙子.
I will buy the same dress that she is wearing.我要买她身上正穿着的她的裙子.
6.这是一类特殊句型,在此类句型中后面的不定式,不需要用被动.这类句型口语里很常见,例如:The house is comfortable to live in.English is easy to learn.The book is difficult to read.
The question is easy to answer.The article(文章)is difficult to understand.The picture is beautiful to look at.The road is icy (冰的;滑溜溜的)to drive on.Hills and streams are good to look at.They are better (good的比较级)to look at than concrete buildings.
如:这椅子坐着很舒服.The chair is comfortable to sit on.(不用 to be sit on)
这张画看着很赏心悦目 The picture is pleasant to look at.(不用to be looked at)
7.这也是个特殊结构.你是否还记得那样的句子:There is nothing to do.没什么事儿可干的.
There is nothing to eat.没有可吃的东西./没东西吃.There is no book to read.没有书可读.
疑问句:Is there anything to eat?Is there any to drink?此类结构中不定式通常可以用主动,尽管有被动的意思,却可用主动来表示.
Anything to follow.实际上是Is there anyting to follow 的省略形式

1、have difficulty in doing ,但with sth,所以句子中说的是"what",指的是sth,所以用with。
2、这题是典型的have difficulty in doing sth 啊,你没看懂的地方可能是had had,第一个had是过去完成时的标志,第二个had是have的过去分词变形,所以还是have difficulty in doing 。


1、have difficulty in doing ,但with sth,所以句子中说的是"what",指的是sth,所以用with。
2、这题是典型的have difficulty in doing sth 啊,你没看懂的地方可能是had had,第一个had是过去完成时的标志,第二个had是have的过去分词变形,所以还是have difficulty in doing 。
4、注意后面的easily!!!这是个副词,所以后面一定要加一个动词,所以只有 understood ,而且was understood就已经是被动了,还to be understood 干嘛啊!不要被太复杂的想法搞晕了啊。。
5、要看强调重点~如果用从句的话,强调重点就是从句,而这句话明显强调的不是she is wearing,而是前半句话,所以后面用as就行。
6、这句话翻过来就好理解了so much better to look at them(they),因为look可以被看作是系动词,也就是说可以起和be一样的作用,所以你要使用被动就讲不通了,这句话要多念几遍找找语感。
7、这句话是省略句,如果补充完整就是do you want anything to follow,如果真在国外你就会发现当你参加一个聚会的时候主人一般就只问你anything to drink?所以这句话是一样的道理,而D就像你说的,语法上是对的,但从口口语角度来说语义不通,所以学语言不能一味讲究语法,想一些固定搭配和词组在口语中是很重要的。


*[uncount] if you have difficulty with something, you are not able to do it easily:
difficulty (in) doing something: Six months after the accident, ...


*[uncount] if you have difficulty with something, you are not able to do it easily:
difficulty (in) doing something: Six months after the accident, he still has difficulty walking.
difficulty with: She's having difficulty with her schoolwork this year.
说明当difficulty表示困难的时候有两种用法,with+名词, (in)+doing sth.也就是你说的,而题目是 to find out exactly what struggling students are having difficulty ____ ,即 struggling students are having difficulty ______ what. 这里what代替名词,当然用with.
2.两个had,第一个是完成时时态标志,第二个是动词have的过去时,表示经历的困难,即have difficulty的完成时.至于为什么选A不选B. 因为作为非谓语动词,不定式做后置定语,含有将来之意,但在说话时,如前一个分句提示的He made it in the end,事情已经完成,故选择 A.
have been doing是现在完成进行时,表示的是从现在算起以前一直在进行,并且现在仍有可能在进行的动作或状态,但是后面提到she resigned last month,所以不能选A
4. everything his teacher said was easily ____.
his teacher said 是解释everything的,做题时可以把它去掉,你就知道怎么填了.
everything was easily______. 不可能填 to be understood吧? 只需要跟过去分词就可以表达被动了.
5. 不行.as 表示的是和那个一样的,而that表示的是就是那一个.
6.The play acts well.这出戏演的很好。
Meat smells good. 肉闻起来很香。
act, add up, count,look, hear 的一般式表示被动意义。这种句子的主语通常指物。
7.这是省略句,补足为 And would you want anything _____ that(= a piece of bread and two eggs).可见,后面要点的东西在that之后,就是follow “that”。


1.句型sb have/has difficult with sth
3.A.to have been doing 是过去正在做,现在还在做。这人明显没做了,当然是D
4.被动语态 be+过去分词,副词别管它


1.句型sb have/has difficult with sth
3.A.to have been doing 是过去正在做,现在还在做。这人明显没做了,当然是D
4.被动语态 be+过去分词,副词别管它
7.C,知道就行,跟anything else一样


1.difficulty表示困难的时候有两种用法,with+名词, (in)+doing sth.
2.“great difficulty he had had”中第一个had是过去完成时的标志,第二个had是have的过去分词形式,即had great difficulty (in) doing sth.。


1.difficulty表示困难的时候有两种用法,with+名词, (in)+doing sth.
2.“great difficulty he had had”中第一个had是过去完成时的标志,第二个had是have的过去分词形式,即had great difficulty (in) doing sth.。
5.“the same ···as”表示“和···一样”,意思是买一条和Mary一样的裙子,不是Mary那条。用that是定语从句没错,但意思变成了买Mary穿的那条裙子,不合逻辑。
4和6.对于look at .say. understand. listen等这类词语是没有被动动词不定式的。
