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英语论文:Analyses of the Character Satan in The Myster[1]

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/06/27 13:32:13 英语论文
英语论文:Analyses of the Character Satan in The Myster[1]英语论文
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In The Mysterious Stranger, Satan claimed himself an angel. But the misfortunes that haunted the village thereafter aroused suspect on him—is he simply an angle named Satan or the devil that no mortal mouth could have dare to spell his name? Angels in bible are messengers from god and they sometimes appear as warriors or guardians. But the angel named Satan in The Mysterious Stranger doesn’t seem to carry any of these missions.

Satan the Rebel

As an angel, Satan is, ironically, the anti-god and anti-Christian power in the short story. He never mentioned in the story that he was sent by god. On the contrary, he is behaving according to his own interest.

The finger-size men and women made by Satan in Chapter 2 reminded the readers the splendid bible story of God creating the world and human. But Satan, the creator of the crowd of little human, killed them without mercy when they locked themselves in quarrels and fighting and finally annoyed him. The bloody scene sent chill to the three little witnesses as well as the readers—Is human race also the result of god’s impulse? Are we doomed to be smashed into dirt when the Creator grew tired of us? Satan here is not others but an ironic image of the Creator, creating fears in the readers and arousing suspect of God’s existence.

With the presence of Satan, comes the misfortune for the villagers. And the villains are those who have been closest to god—Father Adolf and the astrologer. Father Adolf the god’s server, who claims to have met Satan the devil more than once, spends most of his time find fault in father peter instead of serving the villagers. Another priest, Father Peter, though being respected by the villagers and helped by Satan, ran into ill-fortunes and was finally insane, which Satan said to be the best career for him. Satan’s existence here displays the underlying questioning to the Christian church.

Throughout the story, however, Satan himself is the mysterious power that英语论文