There are nine national daily papers in Britain:The Mirror,The Sun,The Daily Express,The Daily Mail,The Daily Telegraph,The Times,The Guardian,The Financial Times and The Morning Star.Which newspaper is:1.the most influential in Britain2.the most wid

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/02 11:35:03

There are nine national daily papers in Britain:The Mirror,The Sun,The Daily Express,The Daily Mail,The Daily Telegraph,The Times,The Guardian,The Financial Times and The Morning Star.Which newspaper is:1.the most influential in Britain2.the most wid
There are nine national daily papers in Britain:
The Mirror,The Sun,The Daily Express,The Daily Mail,The Daily Telegraph,The Times,
The Guardian,The Financial Times and The Morning Star.
Which newspaper is:
1.the most influential in Britain
2.the most widely read
3.the most objective
4.the one with the widest spread of news
5.the best for sport
6.the one they read themselves.
1 最有影响力的英国
2 最广泛的阅读
3 最客观
4 一个最广泛的传播新闻
5 最好的运动
6 一个阅读本身。

There are nine national daily papers in Britain:The Mirror,The Sun,The Daily Express,The Daily Mail,The Daily Telegraph,The Times,The Guardian,The Financial Times and The Morning Star.Which newspaper is:1.the most influential in Britain2.the most wid
1 .在英国最有影响力的 ------ 泰晤士报
2 .被最广泛的阅读 ----- 太阳报
3 .最客观的 ---- 金融时报
4 .最广泛的传播新闻 ----- 每日电讯报
5 .最好的体育报纸 ---- 卫报
6 .自己的成员阅读------晨星报
《镜报》(The Mirror) :1903年创刊,1985年以前名为《每日镜报》(Daily Mirror) .
《太阳报》是全英国销量最高的报章,2004年后期该报的每日发行量达320万份.星期日版的《太阳报》名为《世界新闻报》(News of the World).
《每日快报》(The Daily Express) :1900年由比弗布鲁克爵士 ( Lord Beaverbrook) 在伦敦创刊.
《每日邮报》(The Daily Mail):1896年创刊,是一种知识性很强的通俗日报.
《每日电讯报》(The Daily Telegraph) :1855年于伦敦创刊,该报以“时效性”而著称.
《泰晤士报》(Times):1785年由约翰?沃尔特在创敦创刊,誉为“世界第一大报纸”(the First Newspaper in the World).
《卫报》(The Guardian):原名《曼彻斯特卫报》(The Man- Chester Guardian),1821年创刊于曼彻斯特,后迁伦敦,1959年改称《卫报》.
《金融时报》(The Financial Times) :1888年于伦敦创刊,是英国金融资本的晴雨表.
