求:几篇英语作文1.根据已给的开头,发挥你的想像续写一个精彩的故事.词数:70左右Last Saturday afternoon,Li Ming's parent went out to visit friends.Li Ming was doing some reading in his study.Suddenly,he heard a strange

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/04 09:06:04

求:几篇英语作文1.根据已给的开头,发挥你的想像续写一个精彩的故事.词数:70左右Last Saturday afternoon,Li Ming's parent went out to visit friends.Li Ming was doing some reading in his study.Suddenly,he heard a strange
Last Saturday afternoon,Li Ming's parent went out to visit friends.Li Ming was doing some reading in his study.Suddenly,he heard a strange noise in the living room.

求:几篇英语作文1.根据已给的开头,发挥你的想像续写一个精彩的故事.词数:70左右Last Saturday afternoon,Li Ming's parent went out to visit friends.Li Ming was doing some reading in his study.Suddenly,he heard a strange
Last Saturday afternoon,Li Ming's parent went out to visit friends.Li Ming was doing some reading in his study.Suddenly,he heard a strange noise in the living room.
"Who's that?"Li Ming asked with a little fright.But nobody answered.He walked out very slowly and carefully."Is there anybody?"he asked again.Suddenly,a great noise gave him a fright"Happy Birthday Li Ming!"He couldn't believe what he saw just now:his parents,his friends even his neighbours came out from the kitchen,the toliet and the bedroom!They really gave Li Ming a great surprise.And then,he spent a nice day with all his friends.

Last Saturday afternoon,Li Ming's parent went out to visit friends.Li Ming was doing some reading in his study.Suddenly,he heard a strange noise in the living room.
Maybe we have mice in this hou...


Last Saturday afternoon,Li Ming's parent went out to visit friends.Li Ming was doing some reading in his study.Suddenly,he heard a strange noise in the living room.
Maybe we have mice in this house, Li Ming thought. He put the book down, stood up and walked into the living room, and guess what he saw? A boy stood in the middle of the living room, looked like he just appeared out of nowhere.
Li Ming turned to checked the door, it was locked.
Then he looked at the boy from head to foot. He was tall, thin and a little bit embarrassed. His green eyes ,with a pair of glasses, stared at Li Ming, and there was something under his black hair... Li Ming held his breath, oh my god, he told himself, that's a lightning scar!
'You are Harry Potter?' Li Ming mumbled.
'I don't know I am so famous.’The magical boy smiled and replied, then he looked around with a puzzled expression,'I will appreciate if you can tell me where I am.'
'My home,'Li Ming answered immediately, then he added, 'China.'
'China',Harry Potter repeated with him, 'Apparently some little accident happened during my travel, but it's no big deal, I can still make it right...Now, if you would excuse me, I must leave now.'
'Sure. Nice meeting you.' Li Ming said, still in shocked.
'The pleasure is all mine.' The young wizard smiled and disappeared within a second.
'Wow, that's cool!' Li Ming suddenly regret not have asked him to take a picture together.


Last Saturday afternoon,Li Ming's parent went out to visit friends.Li Ming was doing some reading in his study.Suddenly,he heard a strange noise in the living room.
At first,he was very scared.Bec...


Last Saturday afternoon,Li Ming's parent went out to visit friends.Li Ming was doing some reading in his study.Suddenly,he heard a strange noise in the living room.
At first,he was very scared.Because the noise was not like his pet dog.After a while , he decided to have a see.He walked so carefully towards the living room's door.When he open the door,he find there is a mouse was caught by the itself's cave hole due to its fat body.


求:几篇英语作文1.根据已给的开头,发挥你的想像续写一个精彩的故事.词数:70左右Last Saturday afternoon,Li Ming's parent went out to visit friends.Li Ming was doing some reading in his study.Suddenly,he heard a strange 初二英语作文 (书面表达)2010年的国庆节快到了.你的好友Jim询问你的假期计划,请根据以下提示,给Jim回封E-mail,告诉他你准备如何度假,可适当发挥.80词左右,开头和结尾已给出,不计总词数提 急求一篇初二英语作文(明天就要交)假设你是李华,给你的笔友Tom写封信告诉他你是怎样使身体保持健康.60-80词左右.开头已给出.(用上所给词,可适当发挥)参考词汇:do sports,favorite,keep fit 求篇英语作文:关于一封给笔友有关于奥运的信根据提示完成下面你(Li Ming)给澳大利亚的笔友Jim的信.新的开头已给出.提示:(翻译成英文就可以了..)第二十九届奥运会将于2008年在北京举 求英语作文啊!根据表格内容写一篇反映历史上重大发明的短文.80词左右,开头已给出 幸福开头的作文共和国发挥 假如你是李明,你想加入学校的英语俱乐部.请根据下表提供的信息,写个申请,可适当发挥,60词左右.开头和结尾已给出,不计入总次数. 求一篇英语作文,在线等,谢谢要求‘假如你是本市第三中学的学生李华,上周日,你和几位同学去本市的一家书店,却发现书店已改成了餐馆.请根据以下要点用英语给21世纪英语报的编辑写一封 英语作文:假如你是田君,你的英国笔友Emma想了解你最好朋友的情况.请根据以下表格内容提示,给Emma写一封e-mail,介绍一下你最好朋友Cindy的情况.80词左右,可适当发挥.E-mail的格式已给出,不计 给几篇英语作文, 英语课上,老师让你们谈谈自己的好习惯.请你根据提示内容写一篇60词左右的英语短文,谈谈你的好习惯,并和同学分享,可适当发挥.开头已给出,不计入总词数. 提示:1.起床早,上学从不迟到. 英语课上,老师让你们谈谈自己的好习惯.请你根据提示内容写一篇60词左右的英语短文,谈谈你的好习惯,并和同学分享,可适当发挥.开头已给出,不计入总词数.提示:1.起床早,上学从不迟到.2.常 发挥你的想象,根据图片写一篇英语作文 (要求:写8句话, 根据图片写一篇英语作文,发挥你的想象力. 急!我等着用 求初中英语70词作文假如你是Lucy.得知好朋友Jim在期末考试不理想,心情很沮丧,你决定写信安慰他,并给他一些调节不良情绪的建议,根据提示写篇70词左右的信,信的开头已给出,不计入总词数.Dea 求一篇以May day为题目的外语作文 根据提示写一篇 50字左右的短文开头已给 使用第一人称提示:1.星期日8点半起床2.上午和妈妈一起去公园3.中午做短暂休息后去买东西4.下午和朋友一起去踢 英语作文 假如你是Li Hai,你的笔友Wang Dong 来信是英语难学,而你的英语学得不错,请你根据自己的体会给他写封信,告诉他如何学好英语.开头和结尾已给出.词数80字左右.Dear Wang Dong,I’d like to tel 英语作文(初中水平)假设你们班将在下周举行一场主题''what can TV bring us student and how should we deal with it?''的英语演讲比赛,请你根据下表内容,用英语写一篇80词左右的书面演讲稿,开头结尾已给