..将下列单词的用法写出 并以用法解释与造句将下列单词的用法写出 并以用法解释与造句例如;(1)、decide (2)、decide to do dth (3)、决定做某事 (4)、I decide to go abroad to study 1、plan 2、 hope

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/02 15:18:31

..将下列单词的用法写出 并以用法解释与造句将下列单词的用法写出 并以用法解释与造句例如;(1)、decide (2)、decide to do dth (3)、决定做某事 (4)、I decide to go abroad to study 1、plan 2、 hope
..将下列单词的用法写出 并以用法解释与造句
将下列单词的用法写出 并以用法解释与造句
例如;(1)、decide (2)、decide to do dth
(3)、决定做某事 (4)、I decide to go abroad to study
1、plan 2、 hope 3、agree 4、refuse 5、finish 6、enjoy 7、practise 8、suggest
9、admid 10、deny 11、arrange 12、offer 13、like(两种)14、love(两种)
15、hate(两种)16、remember(两种)17、forget (两种)

..将下列单词的用法写出 并以用法解释与造句将下列单词的用法写出 并以用法解释与造句例如;(1)、decide (2)、decide to do dth (3)、决定做某事 (4)、I decide to go abroad to study 1、plan 2、 hope
(1)plan(2)plan to do(3)计划做某事(4)I plan to open an account in the bank我计划在银行开一个帐户
(1)hope(2)hopt to do sth(3)希望做某事(4)I hope to get a salary promotion我希望得到加薪.
(1)agree(2)agree with(3)同意(4)I agree with your opinion我同意你的意见
(1)refuse(2)refused to do sth(3)拒绝做某事(4)She refused to marry with him她拒绝嫁给他.
(1)finish(2)finish doing sth(3) 完成某事(4)They have finished assembling the sample他们完成了样品的组装
(1)enjoy(2)enjoy doing sth(3)喜欢做某事(4)What do you enjoy doing in your spare time?你业余时间喜欢做什么?
(1)practice(2)Practice in doing sth(3)练习某事(4)You should practice more in Reading Comprehension:你应该在阅读理解上多加练习
(1)suggest (2) suggest sb do sth(3)建议某人做某事(4)I suggest you have strawberry.我建议你选草莓的
(1)admit (2) admit that(3)承认...(4)I admit that you are right in part.我承认从某种程度上讲你是对的.
(1)deny(2)deny sth(3)否认某事(4)I can not deny my enthusiasm for the project.我不能否认我能该工程抱有巨大热情.
(1)arrange(2)arrange to(3)安排某事(4)I will arrange to send a sample to customer我将安排给客人样一样品
(1)offer (2)offer sb sth(3)提供给某人某物(4)We can offer you the lowest price.我们可以提供给你最低的价格..
(1)like (2)like to do sth(3)喜欢做某事(4)I like to travel我喜欢四处旅游.
(1)like (2) like doing sth,(3)喜欢做某事; I like playing basketball我喜欢打篮球.
(1)love(2)love to do sth(3)喜欢某事(4)People love to be complimented.人们爱听赞美的话
(1)love(2)love doing sth(3) 喜欢某事,I love traveling by train.我喜欢乘火车旅行.
(1)hate (2)hate to do sth(3)讨厌做某事(4)I hate to disturb you,but I have to tell you something important.我不想打扰你,但我必须告诉你一件重要的事情.
(1)hate(2)hate sth(3)讨厌某事(4)I hate my poor English.我讨厌我的破烂英语.
(1)remember (2)remember doing sth,(3)记得做某事(4)I remember meeting him at a party once.我记得曾经在一次晚会上见过他.
(1)remember (2)remember that..(3)记得(4)Who knows?Just remember that every dog has its day.天知道?要记住每个人都有出运的时候.
(1)forget (2)forget doing sth(3)忘记做了某事(4)I forget locking the door我忘记锁门了.
(1)forget(2)forget to do sth(3)忘记做某事(4)I forget to lock the door我忘记把门锁了(门没锁)

(1)plan(2)plan to do(3)计划做某事(4) He plans to watch TV
(1)hope(2)hope to do(3)希望做某事 (4)I hope to get good grades
(1)agree(2)argee that(3)同意.........(4)we argee that we should do homework first


(1)plan(2)plan to do(3)计划做某事(4) He plans to watch TV
(1)hope(2)hope to do(3)希望做某事 (4)I hope to get good grades
(1)agree(2)argee that(3)同意.........(4)we argee that we should do homework first
(1)refuse(2)refuse sth(3)拒绝某物(4)you should refuse the bad invention
(1)finish(2)finish doing(3)完成某事(4)Have you finish your home work
(1)enjoy(2)enjoy doing(3)享受做某事(4)She enjoys playing computer game.
(1)parctise(2)practise to doing(3)联系做某事(4)they practise playing foot ball every day
(1)suggest(2)suggest to do(3)建议做(4) I suggest my mother to play tennis
9、admid 不知道
10、deny (2)deny doing(3)否认做(4)my teacher denied metalking
11、arrange(2)arrange to do (3)准备做(4)Be sure to arrange before doing this
12、offer(2)offer sb sth (3)提供某物(4)Can you offer me some food
13、like(2)like to do 、like doing(3)喜欢做(4)He likes eating bananas but I like to eat apples
14、love(2)同like(3)爱做(4)I love playing basketball,but She loves sleeping
15、hate(2)同like(3)讨厌做(4)I hate watching movies
16、remember(2)remember sth/doingsth(3)记住做(4)do you still remember what I have done


(1)plan(2)plan to do(3)计划做某事(4) He plans to watch TV
(1)hope(2)hope to do(3)希望做某事 (4)I hope to get good grades
(1)agree(2)argee that(3)同意.........(4)we argee that we should do homework first


(1)plan(2)plan to do(3)计划做某事(4) He plans to watch TV
(1)hope(2)hope to do(3)希望做某事 (4)I hope to get good grades
(1)agree(2)argee that(3)同意.........(4)we argee that we should do homework first
(1)refuse(2)refuse sth(3)拒绝某物(4)you should refuse the bad invention
(1)finish(2)finish doing(3)完成某事(4)Have you finish your home work
(1)enjoy(2)enjoy doing(3)享受做某事(4)She enjoys playing computer game.
(1)parctise(2)practise to doing(3)联系做某事(4)they practise playing foot ball every day
(1)suggest(2)suggest to do(3)建议做(4) I suggest my mother to play tennis
9、admid 不知道
10、deny (2)deny doing(3)否认做(4)my teacher denied metalking
11、arrange(2)arrange to do (3)准备做(4)Be sure to arrange before doing this
12、offer(2)offer sb sth (3)提供某物(4)Can you offer me some food
13、like(2)like to do 、like doing(3)喜欢做(4)He likes eating bananas but I like to eat apples
14、love(2)同like(3)爱做(4)I love playing basketball,but She loves sleeping
15、hate(2)同like(3)讨厌做(4)I hate watching movies
16、remember(2)remember sth/doingsth(3)记住做(4)do you still remember what I have done
17、forget (2)同like(3)忘记做(4)Don't forget doing your homework


..将下列单词的用法写出 并以用法解释与造句将下列单词的用法写出 并以用法解释与造句例如;(1)、decide (2)、decide to do dth (3)、决定做某事 (4)、I decide to go abroad to study 1、plan 2、 hope space的用法与解释 写出what about的用法并造句 写出practice的用法并造句 写出practice的用法并造句 解释下列虚词的意义和用法 单词用法 shallshall的用法 as as的用法最好具体些,用法与解释 下列句子中“以”的意义和用法相同的是A 作《师说》以贻之 B 并、冀之士皆以是异统C 欲以立身扬名耳 D 欲卜居清旷以乐其志请写出各项解释 时间相关的英语单词,比如已经之类的词,有单词与解释与用法 下列“以”字用法相同用法的两项是()()帮忙说下每个以 的用法.A将任之一政 B以其小恶 C属予作文以记之D人多以书假余E醒能述以文者F不以物喜下列句中加点的“然字与”不然“中的 单词refuse 与 deny用法的区别? 跪求解释德语单词dessen与deren的用法!如题 英语单词”死”的分别说法与用法.94那个如”dead”的用法与解释,只要英语单词解释为死的所有单词的用法与解释.帮忙说一下, 英语单词”死”的分别说法与用法.94那个如”dead”的用法与解释,只要英语单词解释为死的所有单词的用法与解释.帮忙说一下, 破这号的用法有三种:①表示解释说明;②表示话题意思转折;③表示声音延续.你能写出相应的句子,并注明用法吗? 秦伯悦,与郑人盟.中词类活用的词是哪个,说明用法并解释 单词other的用法?