
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/02 14:39:43

这三篇文章都讨论了雇主和雇员的关系,以及处于劣势地位的雇员的工作状况,但是三位作者给出了对雇员工作状况的不同分析.在此,我想做以下两点分析比较,以更好地理解作者的观点.然而,虽然他们关注的对象都是雇员,但是三篇文章的不同点在于对雇员所持的态度却截然不同.Some文的作者用激进的语言指出雇员深陷被剥削的境地,指出雇员从劳动得到的远远达不到他们所付出的.Robert文指出所有的低收入雇员都被” 绑” 在了产业链上,他们没有任何的自我发展的余地.Low文指出所有的雇员虽然工作在看似简单的岗位上,然而他们需要使用各种技能去完成工作,他们的工作技能应该被给予尊重.最后总结,三篇文章都是从作者自身的观点出发,分析了雇员的状况,是主观性很强的分析.其次,三篇文章关心的重点都是处于劣势地位的雇员,通过对雇员现状的分析,三位作者阐述了自己的观点.

The three articles argue the relationship between employers and employees, as well as the emplyees' working condition in disadvantage, but the three authors give different analysises on their working conditions. Now I want to give two points of my analysis to better the authors' views. The point is though they have the same object, their attitudes towards the emplyees are competely different. The author of article "some" uses the radical language to point out the emplyees are deep in a situation of being exploited, noting what they get from their labor is far from what they have spent. the article of "robert" notes all the low-income employees are all "bound" in the industrial chain, having no room to further develop. the article of "low" referred that all of the employees need all kinds of skills to finish their work though it seems their jobs are easy to do, so their working skill needs to be respected. finally I summarize that the three articles are respectively from the authors' own perspective to analyse the employees' condition which are very subjective. Second, what the three articles care are all the employees in disadvantage position. and through the analysis of their current condition, three authors expounded their own points.

These three articles which have discussed about a relationship of employer and employee, and the disadvantage of employees at work position three authors situation, but given the different work condit...


These three articles which have discussed about a relationship of employer and employee, and the disadvantage of employees at work position three authors situation, but given the different work conditions for employees is analyzed. Here, I want to do the following two analysis comparison, to better understand the views of the author. However, although they are the focus of employees, but three articles for employees the differentia depends on the attitudes are totally different. The authors use radical move wen pointed out in the language of the exploited employees, and points out that the employee situation from labor get far less than they gave. Robert wen pointed out that all the low-income employees were "in the tie" chains, they don't have any self development room. Low wen pointed out that all employees though working in the seemingly simple post, but they need to use all kinds of skills to complete the work, their work skills should be given the respect. To conclude, three articles from the author's own viewpoint, analyzes the status is the employees of subjective work.by analysis. Secondly, three articles concerned focus has been the underdog status of employees, through the analysis of the current situation, employees three authors expounded its point of view.


These three articles have discussed the relationship between employers and employees and the disadvantaged working conditions of employees, but three authors have given the different analysis of that ...


These three articles have discussed the relationship between employers and employees and the disadvantaged working conditions of employees, but three authors have given the different analysis of that of employees. Here, I want to compare the following two points, in order to better understand the author's point of view.However, while employees were the subject of their concern, but the difference of these three articles is the varied attitudes with the employees.With the aggressive language,the author of the article "Some" has pointed out the deeply exploitative situation of the employees and that what they get from the labor is far less than they have costed .The article "Robert " has pointed out that all low-income employees are "tied" in the industry chain, which they have no room for self-development. The article "Low " has pointed out that although all of the employees work in the seemingly simple positions, but they need to use a variety of skills to complete the work and their skills should be given respect. Concluded, three articles are all from the authors' own point of view.The analysis of the employees' status is full of subjectivity.Secondly, the focus of three articles are concerned about is the disadvantaged position of employees.Through analyzing the current situation of the employees,three authors have presented their private opinions.


英语翻译这三篇文章都讨论了雇主和雇员的关系,以及处于劣势地位的雇员的工作状况,但是三位作者给出了对雇员工作状况的不同分析.在此,我想做以下两点分析比较,以更好地理解作者的观 employer employ employee,可以这么说么?英语是这么说么?雇主雇佣雇员.都赶上中国古汉语了,同音或近音的一句话 21世纪新经济时代雇主与雇员关系的变化. 这样的雇员是否是法律上定义的雇员拜托了各位 雇主A与雇员B签订了劳务雇佣合同,而由于雇员B无法一人完成这项劳务,因此又找了几个人帮他一起做这项劳务.请问又找来的这些人对于雇主A 英语翻译“雇主对雇员只能提出一次索赔请求,保险保证金额不累计计算”请教一下这句话怎么翻译成英文, 翻译:雇员们要提高工资的要求遭到雇主的拒绝(demand) 求一句很简单的中译英.“雇主承担雇员从中国至德国的来回机票,但必须做满三十六个月” “不应当要求雇主向它们的雇员提供退休金”是规范经济学还是实证经济学,回答理由充分者有加分 汉译英~几个高中英语句子~翻译时要用到括号里的单词,1.我非常高兴地通知您,您的申请已被接受.(accept)2.雇主被迫向他的雇员们让步.(give in)3.虽然我们丢了钱,但我们得到了教训.(althoug 英语翻译8职业狐狸精待遇:8000-30000RMB/次要求/详情:勾引雇主的配偶,帮助雇主借此与之离婚. 游褒禅山记 赤壁赋 兰亭集序 这三篇文章都讲的什么啊 蝉和贝壳两篇文章都采用了什么样的写作手法 风马牛( ) ( )而无不及很久以前,有一个雇主约定每年给工人12元钱和一件衣,工人做工到7个月想离去,雇主只给了他5元钱和一件衣.这件衣服值多少元? 使佃农对地主的依附关系相对减弱 在选择雇主方面有更大的自主权 和市场发生关系《明代地契》,他的出现导致租佃下的农民发生了很大的变化,这些变化不包括()A.使佃农对地主的依附关 他一定会使他雇主相信他有能力和素质胜任这工作的英文翻译,速求 求昆虫记《蝉》《螳螂》和《舍腰蜂》这三篇文章 吴均的《与朱元思书》和郦道元的《三峡》这两篇文章都写了水流“急”的特点,但描写方法有所不同,请简要分析 游褒禅山记 赤壁赋 兰亭集序 这三篇文章都讲的什么啊讲讲大概意思,中心就行.